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Comment count is 29
15th - 2016-08-02

Filmed objectively and horizontally. This is a un-YouTube YouTube video of "crazy stuff happening." Beautiful.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2016-08-02

It truly was his best decision of the day.

15th - 2016-08-03

I'd say this guy is an artist.

Scrimmjob - 2016-08-02

"Your Best Decision Of The Day"

The Mothership - 2016-08-02

Good tag and title choice.

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-08-03

I was considering throwing in Firefighters but decided to just leave it lay

Hooker - 2016-08-02

I don't know how anyone can be surprised that Trump is a nominee for president.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2016-08-03

I got bored and was watching Walmart fight/shoplifters caught videos earlier today and nearly all of them had people in the comments claiming that we needed to vote for Trump because he'll fix this and make it all go away.

I asked "How do you think Trump is going to make shoplifting/fighting cease?" on a few of them. No replies yet.

glasseye - 2016-08-03

Totalitarianism. Those deluded fucks sincerely hope that he will throw out our entire system of rule of law in favor the rule of a strong man.

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-08-09

We don't call him the God Emperor for nothing

SolRo - 2016-08-03


Gmork - 2016-08-03


lotsmoreorcs - 2016-08-03

The little engines that can't

Gmork - 2016-08-04

awww he picked my one star, i feel special

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-08-08

I believe you

duck&cover - 2016-08-03

Dinner and a free show.

crasspm - 2016-08-03

This is archetypal poetv, new, fiery, locos. Five stars hands down.

Nominal - 2016-08-03

The beginning and middle were good enough, then the ending of 3 grown men being powerless to stop a girl fight.

Binro the Heretic - 2016-08-03

You don't want to get in the middle of a girl fight.

It's like crawling into a tree shredder.

Bort - 2016-08-03

That's not the reason they were just standing around and watching.

Raggamuffin - 2016-08-03

Once you've seen enough girl fights you learn to just wait for the "mutual hair grab" stalemate.

Nominal - 2016-08-03

Like a hockey ref!

duck&cover - 2016-08-03

Cunt punt.

chumbucket - 2016-08-03

Fire Sauces, on the side.

Meerkat - 2016-08-03

I like to hear Ulillillia's voice doing the ordering and imagining he's actually recording the video screen to analyze the number of times it displays each ad in the rotation within a particular amount of time.

Dr Robot - 2016-08-03

Had to order that extra quesadilla. Watching that fighting works up an appetite.

love - 2016-08-03


Ugh - 2016-08-03

i'm at the pizza hut

i'm at the taco bell

i'm at the comb comb comb comb combo breaker

love - 2018-08-02

resubmit is in the hopper - in the meantime


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