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Comment count is 6
Lef - 2016-08-15

what is the proper tag for incredibly stupid?

Xenocide - 2016-08-16

If "incredibly stupid" isn't a linked tag already, then that's incredibly stupid.

kamlem - 2016-08-16

You know what to do.

memedumpster - 2016-08-16

Is this flat earth shit really gaining ground?

I am subscribed to SpaceVideos and they are doing a live stream against the flat earthers.


Please, evil fucking horrible universe, tell me you haven't sunk so low as to make humans fight a culture war over the shape of the goddamned earth.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2016-08-16

That's been my impression. rationalwiki.org seems to agree. It's confounding, honestly. We've now got people dumber than educated Greeks who lived a cool three-thousand years ago.

memedumpster - 2016-08-18

I am not a fan of rationalwiki, honestly.


"RW was taken over by SJW beta mangina cucks." is the critical thinking elite of the Internet's response as to why the insults were taken out of the articles on Islam.

I call subsentient animal nonsense leading to the death of actual knowledge on the whole site.

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