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Desc:woman swiped a handicap parking space from a guy and threatens to deport him when called out on it
Category:General Station
Tags:racism, anger, ill have you deported
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Comment count is 13
15th - 2016-11-07

That outfit is clearly from the Targeted Individual fall line.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2016-11-08

Just from the preload. Its like they want to look like a cool *special agent* or something. But they are super-doughy.

That guy - 2016-11-08


simon666 - 2016-11-08

Faulty hermeneutical resources.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2016-11-08

Gastric bypass 2016.

spikestoyiu - 2016-11-08

Dr. Moreau-era Marlon Brando throws a shit fit.

Caminante Nocturno - 2016-11-08

I'm getting a "King of the Hill" vibe from this video.

jaunch - 2016-11-08

So I guess people actually believed that Trump thing where foreigners are rapists?

Enjoy - 2016-11-08

He's not handicapped so neither of them win. This is the new America.

That guy - 2016-11-08

you might have put too much spin on this

Bus_Aint_Comin - 2016-11-08

he actually *is* handicapped, has the placard and everything

Enjoy - 2016-11-11

Stuttering isn't a handicap.

Bus_Aint_Comin - 2016-11-11

naw like this is an old friend of mine's dad

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