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Desc:Ehrenreich started this book when she got her cancer diagnosis and it's pretty fucking spot on.
Category:Horror, Educational
Tags:cruelty, cancer, wtf america, positive thinking, Barbara Ehrenreich
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Comment count is 9
memedumpster - 2017-01-17

Stay bastardly!


SolRo - 2017-01-17

America seems to have one of the worlds largest empathy deficits. A large portion of the population see other people only as objects that must act in a way that is pleasing to them and aligned to their beliefs.

I mean, in a country so obsessed with worshiping their military, you still let veterans with mental health issues end up on the streets homeless. And then you relocate them farther away because they're depressing to look at.

memedumpster - 2017-01-17

A friend of my brother last year got straight up refused service at the VA Medical Center and turned away, so he went to my brother's house and died on his couch a few hours later.

Even the so-called humanitarian movements here are full of authoritarian psychopaths who act out of hatred for others instead of compassion for anyone.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2017-01-18

What's this 'you' business? Aren't you American now?

Old_Zircon - 2017-01-19

***** for meme

kingarthur - 2017-01-18

I can't recommend her books Bright-Sided and Nickeled and Dimed enough. They're great.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2017-01-18

It's been a while since I've read it, but "Bright-Sided" is great.

GravidWithHate - 2017-01-18

You know, for a long time I wanted to have someone ask someone who was pushing "The Secret" about the victims of some atrocity. In my head it would at least cause some people to pause for thought, I imagined them, not as evil but just living in a comfortable bubble and never really thinking about such things and making the connections. Apparently no, if you drowned you were "sending out tsunami shaped vibrations into the universe".

Fuck me I guess.

bawbag - 2017-01-21

kingarthur, unrelated but wow you were 100% spot-on about this place during election/transition years.

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