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Desc:I'm not sure what throwing mini-pies at insects has to do with cellphones, but I like it.
Category:Advertisements, Science & Technology
Tags:bee, fly, bug, beetle, pie to the feelers
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Comment count is 8
jim - 2007-05-12

clever, sir. very clever

Mother Lumper - 2007-05-12


Wintermute - 2007-05-13

Clever. Clearly a viral ad campaign for Samsung's thin phones though.

poopskin - 2007-05-13

I've never seen a bee get hit by a pie of any size before, so 5 stars just for that.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-05-13

I.... WHAT!?

Caminante - 2007-05-17

I'm not sure what this has to do with phones, but I approve.

tamago - 2008-05-14

This makes no sense whatsoever, so FIVE STARS

Big Muddy - 2010-10-20

If you were a bee you would understand, (although I'm a weevil so I hesitate to comment given my cell service sucks, natch.)

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