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Comment count is 8
SolRo - 2017-12-17

Awesome effects blending.

boner - 2017-12-17

“Are you ready, cock ranger?â€

Binro the Heretic - 2017-12-17

Okay, then.

Nikon - 2017-12-17

This is one of those special Christmas things for me along with Eurobeat Xmas and Die Hard.

memedumpster - 2017-12-17

You know it's Christmas because the B-Bots got a go and actually accomplished their task without needing the A-Bots to save them. A Christmas miracle.

Also, CTE Ranger vs. Legs is like the Superbowl and the Superbowl ads are the same event.

Killer Joe - 2017-12-17

"Centipedes? In my presents?"

infinite zest - 2017-12-18

Let's Meet Again In Hell Again This Year!

Nikon - 2017-12-18

The Japanese Terminator 2 quote was golden.

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