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Comment count is 11
blue vein steel - 2018-08-29

The Vietnam POW/MIA conspiracy theory (that the Vietnamese government was holding POWs long after the war ended) is the single most successful conspiracy theory of the 20th century

Cena_mark - 2018-08-29

It inspired a lot of movies

bawbag - 2018-08-29

A death well earned, rot in pieces.

Binro the Heretic - 2018-08-29

He never spoke to men this way, only to women.

Fuck John McCain and fuck everyone putting him on a pedestal.

Stars for evil.

Hazelnut - 2018-08-30

Look, dudes, I never liked John McCain. I'm not a fan of John McCain.

But here's the thing.

He was stubborn.

He loved his country.

He stuck up for what he saw as his principles.

None of those qualities are observable in the Republican Party he's left behind.

Essentially we've just lost our Marcus Cato (who was also an asshole). And the biggest danger is not Caesar but Caesarism.

il fiore bel - 2018-08-31

It's easier to maintain a hateboner for someone and write them off as evil over one or two things than to admit that people can be complex individuals. I'm sure there is a threshold for everyone, for what awful behavior they'll tolerate or overlook.

cognitivedissonance - 2018-08-31

He loved "his" country. "His" country does not include a lot of people.

Nominal - 2018-09-07

Sticking up for shitty principles doesn't make shitty principles better. In fact, it kind of makes them worse for never changing away from shittiness.

I don't think he remotely deserves all this whitewashed praise, but in practical terms I'm okay with it since it's mostly being used as an attack against Trump.

Nominal - 2018-08-30

Hailed as a hero for the "thumbs down" vote that wouldn't even have come to the floor if he hadn't voted FOR it to do so the previous week.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2018-08-30

He graduated near the bottom of his class but yet thanks to his family connections he managed to get a highly coveted pilot training slot. It kinda backfired though with that 5 year stay in the Hanoi Hilton.

Hazelnut - 2018-08-31

You sound like Trump when you talk like that. Might as well go all the way with 'I like the ones who weren't captured.'

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