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Desc:Most famous film ever ya knuckleheads! btw this is nuts
Category:Classic TV Clips, Science & Technology
Tags:film, ml, filme, Lumière Brothers
Submitted:Mr. Purple Cat Esq.
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Comment count is 9
That guy - 2020-02-08


TeenerTot - 2020-02-08

Wow. I'm not sure how I feel about new tech applied to historic stuff (speaking as an old-school film student), but it sure is impressive.

Nominal - 2020-02-09

I usually hate the artificial motion smoothing feature when applied to movies and tv that ends up giving them that security camera or soap opera look, but I think it fits for historic stuff. It reinforces the notion that these were real people and not some janky period theatrics.

Spike Jonez - 2020-02-08

"four kay"

The Mothership - 2020-02-09

All those people are dead. And all those people enjoyed early train travel.

Marlon Brawndo - 2020-02-09

I really hope they do this with the film "Intolerance"!

snothouse - 2020-02-09

The golden age of children in huge hats being shoved around.

fedex - 2020-02-09

Now they just need to colorize it...

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2020-02-10

Ye + make everyone Obama (with massive tits)

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