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Comment count is 5
Meerkat - 2020-05-07

There's nobody I would rather see get the Covids. Except maybe Darth Cheney. And Sanctimonious Mike Pence. And Rush Limbaugh actually you know what? There's a whole lot of people I would like to see get the Covids.

And that's OK.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-07

โ”ƒใ€€MERDRE! โ”ƒ

Old_Zircon - 2020-05-07

"We don't have a president."


"We have an individual in the WH that will say nโ€™ do anything w/no regard for truth, ethics, morals or empathy of any kind, who says whatโ€™s real is fake nโ€™ whatโ€™s fake is real. Who will stop at nothing 4 power feeding off the anger nโ€™ resentment he sows 24/7 while constantly whining how whatever doesnโ€™t go his way is unfair. Most of us in America have never experienced anything this obscene at this level in r lifetimes nโ€™ if we as a country donโ€™t wake up nโ€™ put an end 2 this nonsense now itโ€™s something we definitely will all pay hard 4 as time goes on"


"Fuck this clown!! Where's that ICE Nazi Homan when u need him?!"

-Axl on Melania Trump and her lawyer

"Itโ€™s official! Whatever anyone may have previously thought of Steve Mnuchin heโ€™s officially an asshole."

-Axl on Steve Mnuchin

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2020-05-07

I always thought that Slash was the brains behind the band, but Axl sort of earned some points here.

Old_Zircon - 2020-05-07

Hos tweets at and about Trump are what Chinese Democracy was supposed to be.

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