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Desc:When asked if he was a cop, he replied does it matter..
Category:Crime, Educational
Tags:false flag, Paid agitator, agent provocateur
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Comment count is 6
Meerkat - 2020-05-30

Where's a "citizen's arrest" when ya need one?

Pillager - 2020-05-31

"agent provocateur" tag?

SolRo - 2020-05-31

That getup is so farcical that I’m more likely to believe that this video is staged to be provocative for a wide internet audience.

Also riots that are already happening aren’t ‘provoked’ further just because some guy smashes an extra window or two.

Provocateurs are used to disrupt peaceful protests, or to escalate violence To justify a crackdown. LARPY McIncogneto here isn’t accomplishing either.

teethsalad - 2020-05-31

the more i watch this i'm getting internet ninja larper vibes as well

BHWW - 2020-05-31

The accusations of "Agitators" is ridiculous, both the claims that organized teams of well-paid Antifa supersoliders are on the march, and the idea that white supremacists are stirring things up, that especially is egregious to me because it assumes a level of competence the WNs don't have; their local chapters are typically two to eight people. They have to do a lot of planning and coordinating to field a large crowd, which means about 100 people. And they can't keep their fucking mouths shut because a lot of them are stupid.

They can be dangerous, but are incapable of being subtle. They'd be livestreaming, Telegramming and Periscoping about their operations, or chatting about it on Discord and other platforms and get geolocated and doxed soon after. They couldn't pull off a false flag any more than you'd expect a dog to be able to launch a rocket to the moon.

SolRo - 2020-05-31

The biggest problem are genuine disgruntled people coming in from outside areas to fuck shit up either to make a statement or for the experience or to get some free swag...which destroys the local community and then the rioters just go home to their neighborhood that doesn't have a bunch of stores looted and burned down.

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