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Comment count is 9
Nominal - 2021-01-12


Post new years visit to folks. My father asks me if I "got your check from Trump yet."

"Huh? From Trump?"

"Yeah, he signed it!"


themilkshark - 2021-01-12

Wow he pays his fan club

Sivak - 2021-01-12

Way too small, way too late, signed by Trump.

Sure sounds like his usual payment practices.

Meerkat - 2021-01-12

Man knows his audience.

Nominal - 2021-01-13

an even bigger red flag that my dad has lost his mind:

He started watching Dexter, and says it's still good past season 4.

Binro the Heretic - 2021-01-12

I'm from Alabama and this is what I hear in my head whenever I see my fellow Southerners being dipshits.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-01-13

Good infrastructure, affordable education, a living wage, manufacturing jobs that stay in country, cheaper healthy food, dental coverage, above average literacy rates, any politician that gives a shit about the poor, redneck real dolls with plastic meth mouths, neighborhoods with low crime rates, beef jerky that doesn't give you constipation, a lifetime pass to Six Flags, mudwrestling coverage on ESPN, a ban on all Mexicans in general, larger Jimmy Dean sausages....

SolRo - 2021-01-13

So you dipshits really are mentally 7 years old.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-01-14

Jimmy Dean sausages are no laughing matter, SolRo.

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