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Desc:Lets stir the pot and have the adults talk
Category:Science & Technology, Horror
Tags:vaccine, Bret Weinstein, covid, Geert Vanden Bossche, Fuck You 2021
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Comment count is 48
simon666 - 2021-05-06

I'm going to venture that the vaccine campaign should not be halted, regardless of what these two opine.

Lef - 2021-05-06

You make a valid choice.
To have an opposing opinion is also valid.

My point is the discussion should be had. Free speech means discussing things that are uncomfortable. This no longer happens in the media because journalism is dead.

Gmork - 2021-05-06

Is the opposing opinion really valid after acknowledging the campaign should not be halted? Is it really?

jfcaron_ca - 2021-05-06

The vaccine should be mandatory and there should be a fine proportional to income for noncompliance.

Lef - 2021-05-06

They should have used more A/B testing, explicitly different vaccines within the first responder groups. Longer term effects are not being hedged.

The discussion regarding children should be a clear no. They don't die from it, and have the most to lose to long term effects.

exy - 2021-05-06

Receiving the vaccine should be optional, BUT only if you have to check in and catch a casualty's loved one's hardest swing of a baseball bat with your crotch every week past your eligibility date that you haven't signed up.

roscar - 2021-05-07

So, from what I can tell, he's saying we should stop vaccinating because it's just creating a breeding ground for the virus to eventually evade the vaccines.

OK, let's say I completely agree that that will absolutely happen. Then what? We should just let it run rampant? How is that any different than his worst case scenario if the vaccination campaign continues?

When your solution creates the problem that you're fear mongering about, you need to rethink your chain of logic.

simon666 - 2021-05-07

The thing is the two-dose vaccines are working. Real world efficacy puts them at way better than 95% effective because the 95% figure is based on 100% exposure, i.e., from your spouse. Most people in most situations don't experience 100% exposure to the virus, so with the vaccine your chance of getting covid is like a fraction of a percent.

Here's a quote from a medical blog that quotes the latest CDC figures:

"In fact, the CDC reported that, as of April 20, 2021, out of 87 million fully vaccinated people there were only 7,157 breakthrough infections (0.008 percent), only 498 hospitalizations (0.0006 percent) related to COVID-19, and only 88 deaths (0.0001 percent) related to COVID-19."

SolRo - 2021-05-06

Is there a specific term for these conservative trogs constantly “just asking questions” to sow doubt in society?

Cena_mark - 2021-05-06

The bad faith brigade?

OxygenThief - 2021-05-06

The idea is to keep asking the same question over and over until you find the answer that confirms what you already believed.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2021-05-06

JAQing off.

TeenerTot - 2021-05-07

Henson is right.

Nominal - 2021-05-07

5 for Henson

1 for Lef's "just asking questions" Tucker Carlson bullshit

jangbones - 2021-05-06

Bret is a bought and paid for shill for the Brilliant Thoughts of Peter Fucking Thiel.

Absolutely any and every single thing he says about any topic ever is wrong by definition. If Weinstein tells you it is sunny outside, go get an umbrella.

yogarfield - 2021-05-09

and as with the rest of the IDW crowd, they're all people cosplaying as intelligent human beings.

Meerkat - 2021-05-06

My gallstone surgery has been postponed twice because the hospitals are full of covid patients. I have been in constant pain since last September.

If I had my way the vaccine would be administered to everyone even if the cops had to don biohazard suits and fucking pin them down while the nurse injected them.

I got the vaccine the instant I was eligible and I can tell you first-hand there are no ill elkjhoiuu;uassd BUGS BUGS BUGS GETTEMOFFAME

SolRo - 2021-05-06

I had flu symptoms for two days after my second dose.

And that’s the statistically most likely worst reaction you can get...it such a safe and effective vaccine that no one should be avoiding it.

But all these dumbasses are going to prevent us from getting herd immunity and probably set us back to square one after one of them births some horrible mutant variant.

SolRo - 2021-05-06

Upside is hopefully a lot of these idiots will be the first to die.

exy - 2021-05-06

Yeah, my step-dad died about a week ago, not from covid (he was vaccinated, because he was not an asshole like these guys), but after what was becoming a monthly hospitalization ritual that'd run around a week at a time. Most of the times that he was an in-patient, he was allowed one guest for the entire stay. Two trips ago, with rising covid rates, the hospital's policy was no guests at all. If he'd died in hospital, not allowed any guests (or only one, for that matter), and all because a bunch of CHUD motherfuckers couldn't have been bothered to wear a fucking mask now and then, I don't like to think what my vengeance on the world would have looked like. But luckily he died in home hospice and now there's a puppy and no one has slept in months.

exy - 2021-05-06

point being, before I went hard LJ, the side-effect of hospitals being less available to people with other problems, like kat's gall bladder, seems to be equally serious as the covid crisis itself, and like most facts, that fills me with rage against dumb fucking fucks like these guys

jfcaron_ca - 2021-05-06

My older sister was super worried about blood clots but I told her I thought she should still get it, so she got the vaccine (AZ brand). Now she says she's lost taste, feels dizzy all the time, etc, so she thinks she's got some side-effect. I had to tell her regardless of side effects, potential or real, she still made the right choice.

Anyways as long as your "hesitant" friends and relatives are indeed hesitant and not just "vaccines are the new yellow armbands" types, it's worth it to talk to them and encourage them before & after the shot.

SolRo - 2021-05-07

Some of the suspected side effects of vaccines have actually been traced to panic attacks and anxiety over vaccination.

Misinformation may directly cause some people to die.

jfcaron_ca - 2021-05-07

Thanks, I looked that up and send this link to my sister. She has high anxiety so knowing it might be related should help her moderate her reaction.

https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/us-covid-vaccine-reactions-anxie ty-1.6009078

themilkshark - 2021-05-06

Get the virus so you can build up immunity, or die from it

BTW you have a better chance of winning the 2024 Election than dying from any vaccine

Rafiki - 2021-05-06

I've been against vaccines ever since I learned they were invented by Bruce Jenner in the labs at Bovine University.

simon666 - 2021-05-07

*laughing crying emoji*

Mister Yuck - 2021-05-07

Everybody drop what you're doing! Some random veterinarian has misgivings about the vaccine! We should take time out of our lives to hear him out!

Architeuthis Tux - 2021-05-08

Fuck these people and their enablers.

Chicken the Did - 2021-05-09

Because of Covid I could not see my Stepmother in the hospital before she died of sepsis and renal failure. Fuck these guys.

Oktay - 2021-05-09

You guys are amazing... neither of these guys is against vaccinations. All Geert is saying is that if you mass vaccinate during a pandemic, it will lead to new variants that will escape detection by your immune system. His point is about evolution, not vaccines. He even says "these vaccines would be perfect before the pandemic." But hey, he said the V word, so let's gang up on him.

Side note: according to Geert, there was only one variant of the Spanish Flu (based on autopsies -- went and watched the whole thing.) In a year and a half into this, we have what, 8 variants now?

Hazelnut - 2021-05-09

If you're trying to suggest that vaccination caused the variants than chronology is against you

Oktay - 2021-05-09

I wasn't and you're right. But we certainly reacted like no other time in history, maybe that played a role... I don't know.

Nominal - 2021-05-09

We should listen to the dumbass because we should take the dumass' word on 100 year old medical data which is at odds with the advice of nearly 100% of modern medical professionals.

Gosh, what overreacting dumbasses on poetv!

Oktay - 2021-05-09

The advice of medical professionals is relevant when we're talking about medicine. These guys are talking about evolution. (Speaking of which, evolution was rejected by nearly 100% of everyone, consensus means nothing in science.)

SolRo - 2021-05-09

Its a dumb theory, literally the opposite of reality.

Variants are showing up because the virus is running rampant and mutating during replication.

We have a limited understanding of the 1918 flu due to having very limited surviving samples from back then.

SolRo - 2021-05-09

Also almost 100% of doctors and scientists say you shouldn’t jump off a bridge, but I think you should be the maverick that proves them all wrong.

jfcaron_ca - 2021-05-09

If we don't jump off of bridges then new bridges will pop up and we'll have to learn how to not jump off of THEM. It's and endless cycle like a dog chasing its own tail! You're not a dog are you? Well Boomer is, and that's ok, but for the rest of us, I say jump off that bridge!

Oktay - 2021-05-09

When they say that, they base it on verifiable evidence about jumping off of bridges, not opinion. And I'm not saying Greet is right, I'm saying a lot of people took this to be an argument against vaccines when it isn't.

SolRo - 2021-05-09

So decades of medical research on vaccines is “opinion” now?

All the verifiable studies go poof as soon as some fucktard on YouTube starts “just asking questions”?

roscar - 2021-05-09

I'll ask again like I did above. What is the harm in vaccinating during a pandemic that wouldn't also be caused by stopping the vaccination campaign?

The goal of vaccinating is to stop people from getting sick and dying. If a variant evolves to completely bypass all the current vaccines, then we would just be in the exact same situation as if we stopped vaccinating.

Oktay - 2021-05-09

I think the harm might be training your body for the wrong enemy. From what I can understand, his argument is that spike protein specific antibodies are an evolutionary pressure that will make the virus mutate and shed its spike proteins. That specific mutation is much more likely than any other because only that mutation will ensure the survival of the virus. When the immune system is busy learning about the spike proteins, a mutated virus will have a much easier time invading. I think that's what he's saying...

Architeuthis Tux - 2021-05-10

We have absolutely no idea how many variants of the 1918 flu there were because we've only managed to sequence the DNA of exactly one of them because someone found a graveyard of La Grippe victims in permafrost. We have tracked variations in the coronavirus that's currently eating our lunch because there #millions of samples# being compared.

The idea that vaccines will create an evolutionary pressure to escape vaccines entirely is fucking ridiculous. The virus cannot mutate unless it #infects someone#. BACTERIA use the escape vector this cretin is talking about, not VIRUSES because viruses cannot do shit on their own. They absolutely require a host cell. Vaccines prevent viruses from getting INTO OUR CELLS. His argument here is like saying cars will evolve to never need mechanics if we never take them in for repairs.

Oktay - 2021-05-10

Well ok that makes sense, and makes me feel better. Thank you!

Architeuthis Tux - 2021-05-10

Sorry if I came across as screamy at you. The internet has sort of poisoned me to the idea that people can have good faith misunderstandings, also I am very angry at the people in the video. Thanks for listening to what I was saying anyway!

Oktay - 2021-05-10

You didn't and you actually gave useful info. And I've been poisoned too so if I came across as screamy to anyone, I apologize too, I guess we're all a bit on edge these days.

roscar - 2021-05-09

and lets say that happens. How is that any worse than not vaccinating in the first place?

My main problem with this video isn't the point he's making, that vaccinating during the pandemic will put pressure on the virus to adapt, it's with his solution. Stopping vaccination will cause a lot more people to get sick and die because they will remain vulnerable to this virus. The virus evolving so that it can evade our current vaccines will cause a lot of people to get sick and die, but no more than stopping vaccination would! His solution produces an outcome that is just as bad or much worse than his hypothetical worst cases scenario!

Oktay - 2021-05-10

Well I'm not sure but I think your spike specific antibodies end up outnumbering the "generic" ones by a lot, so a mutated virus ends up gaining a big advantage... This is the full interview, in case you want to listen:


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