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Comment count is 2
radiosquido - 2023-06-18

You think this is absurd, but an ICU nurse, I can say this is fairly accurate. The main difference would be that the cardiac arrest would be followed by sternum-crushing CPR and rounds of epinephrine and defibrillation. It's wild how the living expect the dying to act out their Hollywood-inspired fantasy of death (a desperate, violent, and above all dramatic last stand where they rage against the dying of the light etc etc etc). The only thing that's grosser is how they expect that the dying process of their family member can yield THEM some sort of insight. Where are the words of wisdom, grandpa? You just want to tell them, shut the fuck up, these are your grandfather's last moments, let them be his, stop leaching off him, you fucking psychic vampires.

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-06-18

I was with my grandmother when she died. Her last words were 'where are my teeth?' because she wanted to go with the dignity of her dentures.

I also learned there are little baffled rooms available at the hospital in which to lose your shit. You are never, ever prepared to lose a loved one no matter how much you prepare.

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