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Comment count is 4
Cena_mark - 2023-06-26

Once at work somebody put this show on trying to explain how such a show couldn't be made today. As we watched I pointed how tame it actually was and that it wasn't so taboo. It's the same case as Archie Bunker where idiots thought that Al was the voice of reason and that the audience was supposed to agree with him.

SolRo - 2023-06-26

Married with children is pretty misogynistic and made gay “jokes” pretty often

It certainly wouldn’t do well these days as audiences have gotten tired of that kind of humor

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-06-26

"Take my wife" style family sitcom humor doesn't really work in a world where most marriages only last a few years.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-06-27

Lately I've been binging Modern Family, a show that has actually won awards from progressive organizations that advocate for minorities, including the NAACP. I'm sure they have their reasons.

What I'm noticing is that is that the jokes are not at all "politically correct". When extravagently gay Pepper Saltzman (Nathan Lane) calls Sal ( Elizabeth Berkley) a "boozy us hag" ("fag hag" is the actual expression). A lot of these very same jokes could really work in a mean-spirited reactionary way if you put them on Married With Children, but in a context of sympathy and respect, the same sort of jokes are not only sweeter and less offensive, but funnier.

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