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Comment count is 28
Crackersmack - 2023-10-31

Seems very unwise to cry wolf about antisemitism given the current political climate.

SolRo - 2023-10-31

A lot of Europe also banned protests supporting Palestine

“Western democracy “ on full display

Anaxagoras - 2023-10-31

I'll be interested to see if they crack down on actual anti-semitism, or if this all ends up being codewords for "protests against Israel", as the video poster suggests.

To be fair to Crackersmack, I thought people were overreacting to supposed codewords about blacks.... and then BLM happened. That's when the right became much more obvious about their meanings, and I learned a thing or two about my fellow (white) American.

Crackersmack - 2023-10-31

Black Americans have experienced genuine discrimination in this country (to understate it) and zionists/supporters of Israel absolutely have not.

In fact, zionists/supporters of Israel enjoy unanimous, extreme devotion from our elected representatives. There is plenty of evidence to support the argument that the US government is more concerned with the safety and comfort of Israeli settlers than it is with the safety and comfort of working class Americans.

Disingenuous accusations of antisemitism are frequently and regularly deployed to shut down criticism of Israel. There is no equivalent to that practice among Black Americans or from any other marginalized group to my knowledge. It's a unique trait of zionists.

There is exactly zero chance that the US government is cracking down on college campuses for "real antisemitism", even if this was genuinely occurring they wouldn't care. The US states that force you to sign an oath to never engage in BDS before you can receive state benefits aren't doing that to combat antisemitism either. This is about the money that gets spread around our government in the form of 'donations', high paying speaking gigs, and other bribes.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-10-31

I am absolutely not voting for this fucker again.

Nominal - 2023-11-01

Not as hard as you work on this shtick.

Nominal - 2023-11-01

and a ghost 5 stars for the living comedy of this site's proclaimed progressives nodding along sagely to Forbes.

Maybe in another few years you'll graduate up to the Wall Street Journal. If you're feeling extra edgy, The Epoch Times.

Crackersmack - 2023-11-01

do you think that I have the same opinions as people that write for forbes lol

casualcollapse - 2023-11-01

The director of the New York office of the UN high commissioner for human rights has left his post, protesting that the UN is “failing” in its duty to prevent what he categorizes as genocide of Palestinian civilians in Gaza under Israeli bombardment and citing the US, UK and much of Europe as “wholly complicit in the horrific assault”.

Craig Mokhiber wrote on 28 October to the UN high commissioner in Geneva, Volker Turk, saying: “This will be my last communication to you” in his role in New York.

Mokhiber, who was stepping down having reached retirement age, wrote: “Once again we are seeing a genocide unfolding before our eyes and the organization we serve appears powerless to stop it.”

Even the guardian is calling it a genocide along with the UN ambassador, who just quit

glasseye - 2023-11-01

Five stars of purest evil for right-wing ghouls like Nominal who think daddy Biden can do no wrong, even when he tramples on everyone's civil rights even harder than Trump did.

teethsalad - 2023-11-01

I'd be a lot more inclined to believe these high handed condemnations if they weren't just transparent efforts to air long held grievances about US foreign policy & establishing your identities as one of the "not one of THOSE americans" while still fully enjoying the benefits of empire

Even saint bernie has betrayed you, oh, true believers
https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/30/bernie-sanderss-fail ure-to-back-gaza-ceasefire-disappoints-us-supporters

Crackersmack - 2023-11-01

"I'd be a lot more inclined to believe these high handed condemnations if they weren't just transparent efforts to air long held grievances about US foreign policy & establishing your identities as one of the "not one of THOSE americans" while still fully enjoying the benefits of empire"

Here is an example of a liberal showing their cards; to the American liberal politics is NOT about airing "long term grievances," in fact that is such an absurd idea that they openly scoff at it. The purpose of politics to a liberal is to "establish your identity." Which I guess makes sense because to participate sincerely in the Democratic party you first have to give up any hope of achieving material change. At best it's just a debate/social club for people who are already financially secure. They also assume that everybody benefits from this empire like they do. Poor and working class people are not even on their radar screen.

And Bernie has always been horrible wrt Israel. He's been extremely disappointing in more ways than just this since 2016. I don't think there are many true believers in Bernie anymore. He still would have won. He was still the right candidate in 2016 and 2020.

glasseye - 2023-11-02

Who cares about Bernie? Fuck that guy.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-11-01

>>>Five stars of purest evil for right-wing ghouls like Nominal who think daddy Biden can do no wrong, even when he tramples on everyone's civil rights even harder than Trump did.

I'd say that that the statements "Biden can do no wrong" and "Biden is trampling everyone's civil rights worse than Trump" are both to be taken with a grain of salt.

Along with everything else. " Forbes Breaking News"is a shit YouTube channel that I try to never click on on purpose. Their specialty is cspan footage recut to make Congressional Republicans look like they're crushing it, but I made an exception this time, and even these professional propagandists aren't going as far as Crackersmack is suggesting in that misleading/hallcinatory description.

Did anyone watch it? According to the video, Biden's talking about things like making resources available to Campus Security to monitor hate speech IN GENERAL, including Islamophobia. I'm in favor of that, actually. Law enforcement SHOULD monitor what hate groups are saying publicly.

The Right is playing up the idea that Pro-Palestinian college protests are all about antisemitic hate speech. One proponent of the narrative is NRA bitchface Dana Loesch, but at least one college is calling that narrative "greatly exaggerated."

Gmork - 2023-11-01



Crackersmack - 2023-11-01

John, have you noticed that Democrats seem to be forbidden from even saying the word "ceasefire"? It was awkward to watch Fetterman avoid saying it in that one video where he was confronted.

Crackersmack - 2023-11-01

also 5 stars for Gmork, one star for every 100lbs that he weighs

Nominal - 2023-11-01

"Right wing ghoul," claims the negative attention junkie who endlessly regurgitates pro-Republican, Trump, and FOX News agitprop here.

Just like the reactionary shits you love to elevate, you endlessly project.

Also like your fellow extremists, you can't fathom any stance other than two extremes.

Nominal - 2023-11-01

We're at the point where Cracker's shit is so tired and obvious that "Right wing ghoul" now means "anyone who rejects Forbes as gospel".

Crackersmack - 2023-11-01

bro you seem to be extremely hung up on the Forbes thing, do you think that in the video Forbes magazine advocates for Palestine? lol

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-11-01

I'm not convinced that the Forbes Breaking News YouTube Channel and Forbes Magazine speak with one voice.

>>>John, have you noticed that Democrats seem to be forbidden from even saying the word "ceasefire"? It was awkward to watch Fetterman avoid saying it in that one video where he was confronted.

I'm sure that it's a shitshow.

glasseye - 2023-11-02

""Right wing ghoul," claims the negative attention junkie who endlessly regurgitates pro-Republican, Trump, and FOX News agitprop here."

Sorry I don't pay attention to your right wing media. Fuck republicans, they're just as bad as democrats.

Oh and fuck you.

glasseye - 2023-11-02

He's all hung up on Forbes because his party defending genocidal violence like repeatedly bombing refugee camps makes him slightly uncomfortable.

Note the deflection, saying that anyone who dares disagree with daddy Biden must be a Trump / Fox news /etc supporter.

Serious case of neoliberal brain worms here.

glasseye - 2023-11-02

This is the exact same sort of chump that would defend the war in Iraq once Obama was the one ordering drone strikes on civilians, rather than W.

Just heartless fucking ghouls, whose only priority is the color of the tie worn by the monster in charge.

glasseye - 2023-11-02

Oh and Gmork, I hope you mean Libertarian Socialist; American right-wing "libertarians" can kick rocks; they're fascists-lite.

Lef - 2023-11-02

This video and the bullshit in the comments has made my day.

Thank you CSmack.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-11-02

I mean, As a lifelong Democrat, m baffled and embarrassed by the political cowardice of my party. I live in a state where the Democratic Governor was somehow convinced to make a speech standing in front of a backdrop reading "WE STAND WITH ISRAEL", From where I stand, it looks like a blank check. There should be something that Israel might do that we won't stand with.

But we're not discussing that. It's the goofy crackersmackian implication that Biden is sending in police to silence pro-Palestinian speech, or whatever they're trying to imply by putting "security", so I can't talk about my real world discomfort with Democrats' real world policies. So I defend Biden from nonsense, which makes me a right wing ghoul.

It's not a serious discussion, and if this is supposed to genocide (I'd call it "terrorism"), I think it deservees a serious discussion.

glasseye - 2023-11-02

The Iowa Democratic party just called for members of their IU student branch to resign because they called for peace and dared to say "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." Apparently appeals for freedom = call for antisemitic genocide to them.

I wish I was surprised at the cowardice and evil that Democrats have been displaying during this crisis. I am not; their buddies at the arms manufacturers are making big bucks, and a few thousand dead brown people is a small price to pay for shareholder value!

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