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Comment count is 8
radiosquido - 2024-02-05

Remember in V for Vendetta when someone is flipping through stations and you catch a glimpse of a show that has some white guy in Arab-face waving a plastic knife in front of a bound and gagged blonde woman? Totally where this will end up.

casualcollapse - 2024-02-05

yes, I watch It at least yearly and I just did last week

mon666ster - 2024-02-05

Cinestate went under after accusations of sexual misconduct on film sets, including VFW. Not surprised to see Sonnier end up here.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-02-05

This is a Jack Chick tract of a movie.

It only works if the world of the story is a circus mirror version of reality.

And if you argue that this would be impossible in the real world, they respond that it COULD be real one day.

Cena_mark - 2024-02-05

The film mocka women's sports, showing that the reich wing never cared about it other than as a place to assert their transphobia

Nominal - 2024-02-06

A New York Post boner comedy?

An Epoch Times sequel to Something About Mary?

Anaxagoras - 2024-02-09

This youtuber is usually on the right side of issues, but goddamn... he is an idiot. Just... not a good thinker.

Seems like a good guy, though.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-02-12

Ben Shapiro complains about how mainstream media teaches people to hate conservatives, but really and truly, isn't it the hateful conservative media that teaches people to hate conservatives?

In an introduction to a book about Rush Limbaugh, Molly Ivins talked about how it is "profoundly vulgar" it is to satirize the powerless.

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