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Comment count is 5
yogarfield - 2024-03-09

This was actually Roald Dahl's vision for Willy Wonka. The Oompas were supposed to be kidnapped pygmy slaves.

The studio drew the line there, but they let kids licking snozzberries into the film.

But also who the fuck cares, Dahl was a piece of shit and Willy Wonka is boring as hell.

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2024-03-09

"Dahl was a piece of shit"

in what way?

yogarfield - 2024-03-09

"There is a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity, maybe it’s a kind of lack of generosity towards non-Jews,” he said. “I mean, there’s always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere; even a stinker like Hitler didn’t just pick on them for no reason.”

“It’s the same old thing: we all know about Jews and the rest of it. There aren’t any non-Jewish publishers anywhere, they control the media – jolly clever thing to do – that’s why the president of the United States has to sell all this stuff to Israel.”

There's more, but there's some for starters.

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2024-03-10

I thought I loved Roald Dahl before today.... now I love him in a way I never previously thought possible.

yogarfield - 2024-03-11

I never really pay attention to people's names on here, but I used to mistake you for a decent user.

Also in case you didn't know, "snozzberries" was a slang he used in his adult novels. It means dicks.

As in he had kids licking dicks put into his stupid candy movie.

Love him more now?

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