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Comment count is 27
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-07-22

And this is just one of dozens of reasons to hate Jamie Kennedy.

Testicles of Doom - 2007-07-22

Like you need a reason to hate Jamie Kennedy.

They should've cast Steven Wright instead, now THAT would have been amazing.

Hooper_X - 2007-07-22

Fucking unwatchable. Wow.

Babies Ate My Dingo - 2007-07-22

I heartily agree. I caught the first few seconds, skipped through to a couple of different parts, and was... (I don't think delighted is the right word, but close enough) delighted to find that it was a steady flow of high-intensity terrible. Celine Dion torturing "You Shook Me All Night Long" was more watchable than this.

Maybe he'll get killed in some horrific manner, like many of the other Kennedys. (No relation, probably, but we can hope.)

Merzbau - 2007-07-22

Surely it can't be that bOH MY GOD

It takes true genius to make the first Mask movie look like a classic.

kingarthur - 2007-07-22

I hurt inside. Jamie Kennedy remaining in showbiz at all is inexplicable.

Namor - 2007-07-22

"And when I know the time is right for me and you I just flame on. Flame on. And on. And on. And on."

Maxville - 2007-07-22

That movie cost 84 million dollars.

Adramelech - 2007-07-22

This was actually made.

Cheese - 2007-07-22

The comments. five pages of people with IQ's under 65.
(some of you already have found it and commented, I know POEtv has no Prime Directive like POE, but sometimes I think it should)

Stog - 2007-07-22


Was this movie made to make the first Mask look infinitely more watchable than this?

fluffy - 2007-07-22

The idiots who sing this song at karaoke are funnier than this, on a much lower budget.

Xiphias - 2007-07-22

Wow, that wasn't just painful and boring, but the singing was really bad too!

EvilHomer - 2007-07-22

My God, and I thought the first Mask sucked. I really hope they do a film version of "Lobo vs the Mask" to redeem the franchise.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2007-07-22

At first I thought "OK this is just a stupid white actor pretending to rap like they do in the movies all the time." Then toward the end it turned into a show tune with shitty looking cars dancing on hydraulics and then the full force of the soul sucking agony became clear.

Billy Buttsex - 2007-07-22

The only thing more painful than the clip is the SHIT TON OF PRAISE COMMENTS ON YOUTUBE. Because of youtube, I firmly believe in active eugenics.

Camonk - 2007-07-25

Anybody who sees this instantly goes to heaven because this is worse than any hell imaginable. Even watching it again wouldn't be as bad as the first time. "The best of Jamie Kennedy" would be a video of him dying put in an endless loop.

Tyfus - 2007-07-30


Aquaman - 2007-08-09

And just after I threw away my "The End Is Near" sandwich board.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-08-15

I never thought I'd see a scene that made Vanilla Ice and the Ninja Rap look like legitimate rap. I propose that this is the worst musical number in cinema history.

wormy_the_hole - 2007-08-17

I didn't really watch this. I just sat and stared.

SharoKham - 2007-08-22

Just pretend this comment was filled out to maximum length with random swears.

Mayberry Pancakes - 2007-08-28

I'm pretty sure this is one of those things where it's legal to kill everybody involved.

B_Ko - 2007-09-05

I was digging an ingrown toenail out with a pocketknife while watching this. Compared to son of the mask, that toenail felt like a fucking blowjob.

Daughters of Uzbek - 2007-09-05

Oh God how could this happen?

FABIO2 - 2007-09-23

But is it worse than See Spot Run?

themilkshark - 2007-11-25

Ever since this movie came out, I haven't seen Jamie Kennedy smile without looking like he has a big turd in his pants. He lost his soul and he knows it.

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