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Comment count is 5
Ryo-Cokey - 2007-08-21

There's little to no chance anyone is still alive... the mine filled quickly, and almost to the brim. Had the emergency pumps all been working, maybe... but only one of ten was functional.

zatojones - 2007-08-21

Q: "Why do people across the whole world know about the accident, but we standing out here know nothing about it?"

A: It's because you live in a Communist dictatorship. My advice is to secretly start stockpiling rifles and organizing militias.

IrishWhiskey - 2007-08-21

Come on now, be fair. We wouldn't give a shit either way. They're foreigners. And not even Europeans.

Weren't there 35 million people displaced by floods not long ago? Wasn't that not even a blip on out television screens?

I wonder if the media will bring this sort of shit up during the Olympics. My guess is... No.

Menudo con queso - 2007-08-21

That's how you riot against the ruling class, none of this "prayerful, respectful press conference" shit.

Xiphias - 2007-08-21

FUN FACT: 13 miners die a day in china's coal mines (on average, this was a bumper crop)

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