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Desc:Boris Karloff himself fought to get the scene cut from the film, as he felt it was too disturbing.
Category:Classic Movies, Horror
Tags:horror, frankenstein, 30s, karloff
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Comment count is 15
snothouse - 2007-09-22

Man, this makes me wish they would make a horror film without:
a) music blaring at all times
b) cameras zooming all over the map.

vissarion - 2007-09-22

Most horror movies are made by dipshit horror nerds who only watch horror movies made by other dipshit horror nerds, so non-blaring/zooming movies are only made very rarely.

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2007-09-22

Why does the family live on the edge of water if the girl would drown as soon as she fell in?

Hooper_X - 2007-09-22

Well, aside from the obvious "she was never thrown in by a hideously strong abomination in the eyes of god and man before," you can justify it as her being too frightened to swim, or possibly with his y'know, hideous strength, he accidentally broke her arm or leg.

Or maybe it's just a plot hole. Good lord.

revdrew - 2007-09-23

Girls weren't taught how to swim back then. It was considered unlady like.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2007-09-22

I searched pretty hard for the Young Frankenstein little girl scene to put alongside this. I couldn't find it. I had a tantrum because the Internet is unfair and I threw half an unfinished Hot Pocket against the wall. Now my mom won't clean it up and I have a headache.

snothouse - 2007-09-22

Wow, this comment sounds like a Dane Cook routine.

dr_rock - 2007-09-22

It could also sound like Jim Gaffigan

Hooper_X - 2007-09-22

I already 5'd this above, but I wasted that comment, so I'll just add here that this is totally awesome because it manages to be beautiful and sad and creepy all at the same time. Good job.

bang to buck ratio - 2007-09-22

Where are the blood-spattered tits and why isn't the camera shaking around more?

RandomFerret - 2007-09-22

There have been good horror films since this one. But not many.

Billy Buttsex - 2007-09-22


Bebido - 2007-09-23

They had to drown alot of little girls until they got this scene right.

EvilHomer - 2007-09-23

5 stars for Boris Karloff, and for reminding me that even classic horror films weren't very scary at all.

athodyd - 2007-09-27

But the kitten's safe, right?

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