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Desc:Excitebike = Broken. Fun starts at 0:30. No cheat codes were used. http://tasvideos.org/1035S.html
Category:Video Games, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:excitebike, tas
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Comment count is 8
andru strange - 2008-01-23

holy shit. i remember doing this...

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-01-23

The proper way to play this was to see who could cause the most crashes.

Old_Zircon - 2010-12-07

The proper way to play this was to see who could make the most godawful, unplayable track in the track editor.

Ahriman the Creepy Lurker - 2008-01-23

This is the first time I've ever seen track five. I sucked at that game--I think I spent most of my time building my own tracks.

ProfessorChaos - 2008-01-23

So, hit a small jump, and land on another to become a the god of motorcycling? How did i never notice this in my copy of excitebike?

Cube - 2008-01-23

Well of course it's easy when you do it like THAT...

fatatty - 2008-01-23

Even if it's tool assisted his temp meter should be filling up if he's holding B. I call shenanigans...though it is sweet to watch him crush the game.

CuteLucca - 2008-01-26

Games run on 'frames' like animation does. The overheat meter registers one point hotter on, say, every 5th frame. Therefore, you can hold the button for four frames, let go on the fifth, then hold for another four, thus never increasing the overheat meter with no loss of speed. This happens in a few tenths of a second, though, so it's impossible to do without it being tool-assisted.

Theoretically, if you had a super precise controller and superhuman reflexes you could though!

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