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This Clip is 1 of 2 Clips (1 , 2)
Desc:Story done by 60 Minutes. This is pretty frightening.
Category:Religious, Horror
Tags:Scientology, can, cult, Evil, smear
Submitted:Rodents of Unusual Size
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Comment count is 13
Myrmidon - 2008-06-18

6:50 is just... wow.

FABIO2 - 2008-06-18

Wait until you get to part 2: sabotaging non-profit puppy and kitty shelters =(

tamago - 2008-06-18

I thought you were kidding about that animal shelter thing. Holy crap.

kelpfoot - 2008-06-18

4:45-6:50 -
I see the CoS subscribes to the George W. Bush school of public relations: Deny, deny, deny. If it's true, deny it; if it's a matter of public record, deny it; if there's a fucking video tape of you doing it, deny it.

DMKA - 2008-06-18

Yeah, that's pretty disturbing.

Louis Armstrong - 2008-06-18

We don't hire private detectives to dig up dirt! thats what our children/slaves are for.

Keefu - 2008-06-18

Wow. I've never really paid much attention to scientology and all the controversy. I guess I really should, this is scary.

Dinky Patterson - 2008-06-18

Diabolic masters of attrition.

Twitch - 2008-06-18

Kim 500 milyar istemezki'de Recep Ivedik yarısırken telefon jokerini kullanıp bu Keko'yu aramıstı, cevap şıklarından biriside Mehmet Ali Atıf'dı. Nerden nereye ya =)

Princess v2.1 - 2008-06-18

Praise Xenu

Jimmy Labatt - 2008-06-22

You'd think with all the money that the church of scientology has, they'd be able to hire/manufacture someone who could handle themselves in front of a camera and who would at least do a PASSABLE job of trying to spin their bullshit. These guys aren't even trying.

Everytime I see one of these douchebags on TV they act like autistic five year olds.

Aubrey McFate - 2008-06-22

No, see, their whole belief system is built around making people like that - their version of "cured". They can't conduct themselves on camera for the same reason that a hardline evangelical can't deny that God is punishing gays with AIDS.

rustedmutt - 2008-07-23

Belated five stars of hate.

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