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Desc:Part 1 of the 'What happens when you give an aging baby boomer a webcam?' Poe series.
Category:General Station, Horror
Tags:dance, artemisbell, darling you need a bra, uncorked horror, 3:34
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Comment count is 23
Millard - 2008-08-14

If I were 70 this would be the hottest thing I'd seen all day. Since the noon rerun of Golden Girls, at any rate.

Pillager - 2008-08-14

Faces like hers are the reason why Doggy Style crossed over to our species.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2008-08-14

You think the other end looks that much better?

Pillager - 2010-10-04

I've done worse.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-08-14

I can picture this woman in a bar having lots of fun with lots of people.

a flaming monkey - 2008-08-14

Life of the party!

Jeff Fries - 2008-08-14

Why the Goronchev links

baleen - 2008-08-14

Maaaahm.... MAAAAAHM.

sheikurbouti - 2008-08-14

Last. Twenty. Seconds.

mouser - 2008-08-14

I saw her cell phone!

Chizmurder - 2008-08-14

I can just smell the salem cigarettes.

Camonk - 2008-08-14

Oh so that's a what a rising gorge feels like.

ButtCult - 2008-08-14

Ends as all life does, at the wall of flesh

TimbolinoBilchard - 2008-08-14

Okay, I'm going to guess and say this is a woman, but I spent most of the video starting at her shoulders and arms and wondering what was off about them. They looked a little bit too big, I think.

buttnutt - 2008-08-14


mr666 - 2008-08-14

I was thinking the same thing before reading the comments. That has to be a man.

NoCode - 2008-08-14

Lola, lo-lo-lo-la Lola

TeenerTot - 2008-08-14

Aw...he's just having a good time.

Angel Carver - 2008-08-14

Artemisbell is usually way prettier. She looks a little melty this time.

Must've been hot in her condo.

The Townleybomb - 2008-08-14

I liked her better in the Harvey Sid Fisher video.

Honest Abe - 2008-08-14

i am picturing her really drunk and slurring at the local bar

Ryo-Cokey - 2008-08-14

What, no "cougar" tag?

Corman's Inferno - 2008-08-15

When did Mary-Louise Parker have a stroke?

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