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Category:Advertisements, Classic TV Clips
Tags:80s, cereal, Bad animation tricking me into eating a shitty cer
Submitted:Testicles of Doom
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Comment count is 11
Xenocide - 2008-08-21

That kid isn't fat enough.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-08-21

Disembodied Ziggy heads?!?

jyrque - 2008-08-21


If it's small and comes in a cardboard box it apparently goes well with milk and is a piece of wellbalanced meal.

Desidiosus - 2008-08-21

I don't know why but that line had me giggling like a lunatic.

heyitslozeau - 2008-08-21

first unnecessary use of a Z ending?

mouser - 2008-08-21

Man I remember seeing this commercial on ABC's saturday morning cartoon spree.

I didn't understand english well at the time and while being a kid myself, I thought donut cereals were really pushing the ridicule envelope.

Severian - 2008-08-21

Now I'm hungry.

Cleaner82 - 2008-08-21

I wonder if John Belushi's "Little Chocolate Donuts" ad is floating around anywhere.

B. Weed - 2008-08-21

Yeah, but AOL video. I'll stick it in the hopper anyway.

cognitivedissonance - 2008-08-21

I suddenly get Kricfalusi's "Powdered Toast Man" now. I wonder if he was involved with this.

Binro the Heretic - 2008-08-21

Once when I was a kid, my family went back to Mobile to visit relatives. We stayed the weekend at my aunt's house.

The first morning there, my cousins had this for breakfast. It was their new favorite cereal. I was a die-hard Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch man, myself, and didn't really want to eat the Donutz, but it was that or cream of wheat.

It was horribly, horribly sweet and the real powdered sugar did an unholy thing to the milk. I had heartburn the rest of the day and kept urping up a sickly-sweet ooze.

It was cream of wheat the next morning.

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