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Desc:To fight off a coyote. How does that work, nature?!? P.S. NOT narrated by David Attenborough
Category:Pets & Animals, Nature & Places
Tags:blood, lizard, money shot, wtf nature, high octane coyote repellant
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Comment count is 20
Squeamish - 2008-09-09

The most metal of all reptiles.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-09-09

Or Goth, depending on the lizard's tone of voice.

Binro the Heretic - 2008-09-09

Actually, it's Campbell's tomato soup. That stuff is like coyote kryptonite.

Daniel Striped Tiger - 2008-09-09

Why is it deterred by blood?Everything it eats is full of blood.This lizard makes it's own gravy.Stop this large hadron collider nonsense, and build a hot dog that shoots ketchup at me.

Binro the Heretic - 2008-09-09

Tomato soup. I'm tellin' ya.

Daniel Striped Tiger - 2008-09-09

who puts tomato soup on a hotdog?

HankFinch - 2008-09-09

who builds a hot dog?

Daniel Striped Tiger - 2008-09-10

Hotdog scienceticians

HankFinch - 2008-09-10

Why would hotdog scienceticians put tomato soup on a hot dog? That's not science, it's dogma!

petep - 2008-09-10

we're all geniuses here

Camonk - 2008-09-10

To answer the original question, and I had to do some hard thinking about this, but it's sort of like if we were about to go to war with North Korea and we nuked Alaska. Then we'd be like, Hey North Korea, if we'll do that to ourselves, what do you think we'll do to YOU?!

baleen - 2008-09-10

this place is more fun than the other place.

The McK - 2008-09-12

If a hot dog hosed me and my best Sunday suit down with ketchup, I would freak the holy living fuck out. And even after you sat me down and explained it was just ketchup, and that both it and the hot dog were completely edible and harmless, you know what? I still think I'd seek out food that didn't make me shit a brick.

crote - 2008-09-10

TCU graduates should be proud.

Sphinx - 2011-07-11

I am!

mouser - 2008-09-10

Emo lizard cuts himself in distress.

OxygenThief - 2008-09-10

That's a pretty cool defense mechanism. This is some of the worst narration I've ever heard, though.

chumbucket - 2008-09-10

no big deal, I do this all the time when a Phil Collins song comes on the radio

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-09-10

"Game, set, match. Victory to the blood-squirting regal horned lizard."

petep - 2008-09-11

"how could evolution come up with THAT?" vs. "why would God create THAT?"

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