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Desc:I am sorry, but this one was too awful not to submit.
Category:Horror, Video Games
Submitted:Mike Tyson?!
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Comment count is 20
Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-20

did he.... did he actually call it a flop?

That game was pretty much revolutionary and changed racing games forever.

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-10-20

It was/is the best selling PSone game of all time too.

fluffy - 2008-10-20

Frank Rizzo, allow me to introduce Joke. Joke, this is Frank Rizzo.

smoothbrain - 2008-10-20

Haha trolled.

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-10-20

This guy is not trolling. He actually thinks racing games should have 1 car and 40 tracks.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-20

why hello joke....whats that?

Joke has asked me to inform you that he is tired of being a synonym for your life.

chumbucket - 2008-10-20

everytime I see Bill Clinton I think of this guy's robotic voice talking about old games

Godard's Drinking Problem - 2008-10-21

All I hear is that sweet, sweet music from Shadowgate.

And BATTLETOADS! What a seriously cool game. If you do not like THIS game, then you are STUPID.

Xenocide - 2008-10-21

THAT'S where that music is from! Thanks, it's been bugging me this whole time.

Odd, since Shadowgate didn't come out during the Clinton years.

zatojones - 2008-10-21

I think of how much better the world was then.

YakooMarkTwo - 2009-03-03


robotkarateman - 2008-10-20

Maybe control wouldn't be an issue for you if you didn't mash the directional all the way over with your chubby tuber fingers. If you steered lightly you didn't skid out of control.

GT was a crappy game, but not because of the controls. It was crappy because they somehow managed to make driving really fast completely uninteresting.

Fur is Murder - 2008-10-20

Is this guy right about anything?

Camonk - 2008-10-21

The FF7 review was astoundingly spot on.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-10-20

You get more accurate reviews when the reviewer doesn't suck at video games.

I'm so glad POETV discovered this guy.

CornOnTheCabre - 2008-10-20

EVEN a car wash

Monchiles Monchiles - 2008-10-20

No one can argue with that!

StanleyPain - 2008-10-21

Surprisingly he didn't complain about no cinema sequences!

Keefu - 2008-10-21

I'm pretty sure this guy isn't a troll and is legit but the videos like these make you think twice so much.

also, fix the tags could use fixing

ghostdad - 2008-10-21

how is it that this is a troll, but that mark wahlberg character has no sense of humour! what a jerk!

way to get everything wrong, every time

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