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Desc:Beautful song asking why must I cry, yes maybe this should be under 'music videos', but...
Category:Educational, Horror
Tags:guns, Singing in the shower with Mr. Bubble, Grillz, Off Key, Fun in the sun
Submitted:Mr. Fiesta
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Comment count is 9
StanleyPain - 2009-01-12

This is a dupe, but it's so hard to vote down Reh Dogg

Mr. Fiesta - 2009-01-12

Golly, is it??!? I looked everywhere for it too... But, it really brings a tear to my eye.

poopskin - 2009-01-12

i had forgotten about this, so five stars. Plus this makes up for me 4-starring it last time for some reaosn.

poopskin - 2009-01-12

ahem reason

saitcho - 2009-01-12

5 stars for a Lojack ad

boner - 2009-01-12

The desktop video revolution.

kennydra - 2009-01-12

I've seen this before a long time ago, but 5 stars for remembering how badly my sides hurt upon my first viewing.

kingarthur - 2009-01-12

Dupe, but worth it. Its probably new for most of you out there.

Lauritz Melchior - 2009-01-13

Best dupe of the month.

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