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Desc:For all it's faults, I thought it did a great job showing how normal people could kill in cold blood
Category:Classic Movies, Educational
Tags:korea, PTA, chan-wook park, sympathy for lady vengeance, vengeance trilogy
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Comment count is 13
nutbush - 2009-01-28

I love this Director's movies. And now Danny Boyle has been asked to remake this one. With Charlize Theron starring...

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-01-28

Hurray American cinema!

Rovin - 2009-01-28

Just be glad that this one got to be legally seen by audiences in the U.S. BEFORE being remade. REC and Let The Right One In aren't even getting THAT.

Wytze! - 2009-01-28

Don't forget about the American remake of Oldboy.............starring WILL SMITH!

kingarthur - 2009-01-28

They're remaking it? WHY? Is mainstream America THAT STUPID that they can't bother to read a subtitle here and there? Christ, this movie is beautiful and they're basically going to piss on it.

Five stars for informing me one of my absolute favorite movies is going to get shitcanned.

Rovin - 2009-01-28

Yes, mainstream America is infected with a serious case of stupid. At the local Hastings store (DVDs, Music, Books, etc.) they taped notes to the front of the racks Pan's Labyrinth was housed on pointing out to customers that "This Film Is SUBTITLED!" People were renting the thing and getting pissed off that "it's not even in ENGLISH!"

Boxhead - 2009-01-28

Please stop saying mainstream America. Or at least spell it Ameri-kkk.

sosage - 2009-01-28

No one in mainstream America forced the entertainment industry to be creatively lazy either. Just saying...

Rovin - 2009-01-28

"I am not going to spend my money on this because it's in a funny language and I have to read words at the bottom to know what they're saying," isn't necessarily FORCING the industry, but you have to admit it can be a pretty sharp titty-twist.

La Loco - 2009-01-28

Mr. Vengence I think was the most emotionaly touching of this trilogy.

HarveyTibbar - 2009-01-28

You see, this is one argument the Joker wins.

Fuck the boats, he should have given Gotham the chance to rip apart some thugs.

svraz - 2009-01-28

Context: the person they are talking about killing is a child killing rapist.

Menudo con queso - 2009-01-28

Lady Vengeance had faults?

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