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Desc:Flatulent blowhard cosplays Founding Father in front of the Constitution to prove a point.
Category:Humor, News & Politics
Tags:Constitution, cosplay, Revolution, stimulus, sucking at tit
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Comment count is 8
zatojones - 2009-03-31

wow this guy really hates Mexicans doesn't he?

splatterbabble - 2009-03-31


Louis Armstrong - 2009-03-31

I am going to bitch about the goverment and use famous quotes from past presidents.

Randroid - 2009-03-31

Why do the mentally ill always think they've got the best handle on the economic crisis?

fermun - 2009-03-31

Do you like curmudgeony old men? SakuraCon 2009!
Do you want to dress as your favorite Colonial American? Sakuracon 2009!

Xenocide - 2009-03-31

This man's costume isn't convincing enough. Maybe if he were dressed as Batman I'd agree with his opinions. If he punched a guy dressed as the Joker every time he said "AND THEY IGNORE YOU!" I'd vote for him for president. If they both were on surfboards at the time, and those surfboards were in space, and Spacebat was chasing them while all this was going on, then I'd overthrow the government in his name.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-03-31

I just saw a guy that looks like Benjamin Franklin mention 9/11. My brain just twitched. I don't need to watch the rest.

sliggy - 2009-03-31

He wants me to teabag Arlen Specter? Well...ok....

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