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Desc:Judging by the number of videos, getting jetblown appears to be a local attraction on St. Maarten.
Category:Accidents & Explosions, Stunts
Tags:beach, jumbo jet, St Maarten
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Comment count is 17
Louis Armstrong - 2009-06-30

Its fun to do.

Dicknuts - 2009-06-30

Feels good man.

voodoo_pork - 2009-06-30

Feels good, man.

svraz - 2009-07-01

Feels, good man.

HankFinch - 2009-07-01

Dr. Feels Goodman

Frank Rizzo - 2009-07-01

you are freaking out, man.

Camonk - 2009-06-30

I thought it'd be really hot.

glasseye - 2009-06-30

Pretty much everywhere, it's gonna be hot.

craptacular - 2009-06-30

then i don't need a jacket!

mouser - 2009-07-01


Busby Berkeley - 2009-07-01

Thanks Arthur.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-06-30

Quiet, peaceful St. Maarten. Where the slightest breeze sings "paradise".

RockBolt - 2009-06-30

Well you have to do that at least once

bopeton - 2009-06-30

In the Navy once I was jogging on the old airstrip but they were using it for an emergency landing that day. I didn't know about this.

These guys are a lot farther away than I was, but it definitely did not feel good.

Dicknuts - 2009-07-01

It's hard to tell whether those people are being blown into the water or are trying to make it into the water before they burst into flames.

kiint - 2009-07-01


MrBuddy - 2009-07-01

Am I a bad person for laughing at that?

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