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And please consider not blocking ads here. They help pay for the server. Pennies at a time. Literally.

Comment count is 5
Rev. Blackson Pollock - 2010-03-16

5 for the evil of there being enough consumerist compulsive spending whores to create a market for something that is in no way as efficient as a plain fucking wall.

Sundry - 2010-03-16

Somebody doesn't want us to beat the Chinese at ping pong.

Infamous - 2010-03-16

Why is it evil for people to waste their own money?

badideasinaction - 2010-03-16

Because playing against a wall doesn't work the same? All topspin comes back as backspin and vice versa, you can't practice smash returns and returning your own shots doesn't make for very good practice.

Granted, having this for playing for shits and giggles in the basement is probably overkill, but no worse than a pitching machine or a tennis ball launcher, and hardly new to the market. Hell, I remember one of our neighbors having one at their place when I was a kid, and that was a while ago. Some braintrust realized that budgeting 50 bucks to try and sell it in an ad as a home device can't hurt.

RocketBlender - 2010-03-17

When I found this thing, it was in an ad banner off a small gaming forum, where it proudly announced how much better their product was than the game systems that cost less than a third its price. I couldn't resist sharing.

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