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Comment count is 13
Influence Device TIMR - 2010-03-24

a star for each year

mouser - 2010-03-24

I dont think he deserved much stars in the first years but then he picked up nicely.

Dicknuts - 2010-03-24

I'm learning the last part of sonata no. 11 (Turkish Rondo). Mozart has the enviable position of making everyone feel fucking stupid as all hell.

memedumpster - 2010-03-24

Yay Mozart!

zatojones - 2010-03-24

pffft I bet I could do that

Udderdude - 2010-03-24


Samisyosam - 2010-03-24

I doubt he would have naturally written that had his father not beaten him mercilessly for every wrong note.

chairsforcheap - 2010-03-24


chairsforcheap - 2010-03-24

should have taken a second to review my spelling

Samisyosam - 2010-03-24

I'm the most athiest atheist there is.

Bisekrankas - 2010-03-24

Bah I did it in assembly

glasseye - 2010-03-24

Stars for you.

Hekmatyar - 2010-03-24

It sounds better played on a Cline or Howard upright.

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