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Comment count is 12
Camonk - 2010-07-05

This is basically just watching white trash grow up.

Riskbreaker - 2010-07-06

More like rottten up.

memedumpster - 2010-07-05

Oprah has let some slip through the cracks.

The Mothership - 2010-07-05

This is three star material but +1 for the cleavers on the wall behind her.

mashedtater - 2010-07-05

this woman walks among you as something inconspicuous like a legal aide or lunch lady.

TeenerTot - 2010-07-06

Why do juggaloes always prove their fandom with cheap merchandise?
I'm a real juggalo, look at my mug!

Toenails - 2010-07-06

This is the same set of people who are likely to purchase those John Cena spinning belts and Thomas Kinkade porcelain trains.

It's not so much as "proving their fandom" as it is "making poor purchasing decisions".

twinkieafternoon - 2010-07-06

It's a Nightmare Before Christmas mug.

Also, Eminem is OK sometimes, but only in moderation, folks. not for too long. Basically, She treats him like I was allowed to treat video games and MTV when I was 10.

rev.dinosaur - 2010-07-06

I hope that "good morning Juggalo family" is what she says every day at the breakfast table.

spikestoyiu - 2010-07-06

For years, I mistakenly believed that this woman and this woman alone was the center of the ICP/Eminem feud. I'm glad that she ironed that out.

StanleyPain - 2010-07-06

Drunk much?

MartinBishop - 2010-07-06

The best part is the pause after she says "and then I put my makeup on". You can actually see when she realizes that she has nothing of value to do after that.

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