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Comment count is 10
Redlof - 2010-07-21

My dad was obsessed with this game.

freedoom - 2010-07-21

I preferred Mad Dog McCree.

Quad9Damage - 2010-07-21

I had this on CD-ROM when I was 12. It came with one of those big 20 CD shovelware packs. My young mind thought that when the lady said "I'll make it worth your while" at the end of the trailer, that meant nudity/a virtual BJ.

Other games in the pack: Mad Dog McCree, Hell Cab, Corridor 7, Journeyman Project Turbo

spikestoyiu - 2010-07-21

If only I could take the money that I spent on this, Mad Dog McCree, and Time Traveler, and invested it.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-07-21

You didn't buy Space Pirates or Crime Patrol? There's your problem right there.

spikestoyiu - 2010-07-21

I didn't buy any of them -- I'm basing this strictly on arcade usage.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-07-21

My terrible joke... RUINED!!!

CornOnTheCabre - 2010-07-22

"You're a bookie in the 1930s and you don't have a gun? What are you, retarded?"

sosage - 2010-07-22

I think every FMV was intentionally horrible...and that's why I love every damn one of them.

Killer Joe - 2010-07-22

"You're the best!"
*Cut to man falling down the stairs*

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