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Comment count is 18
The Mothership - 2010-11-03

Anyway you at it.

numb - 2010-11-04

That's the way you ed it.

delicatessen - 2010-11-03

myth busted

CharlesSmith - 2010-11-03

I hope the entire premise of this show is about settling the answers to questions of this type.

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-11-03

Great question and great execution. Perez aside, I really don't understand why this "sport" is so popular in Ecuador.

chumbucket - 2010-11-03

"All Samurais Stand By" would be a great band name

Louddetective - 2010-11-04

Dude. Yes.

gambol - 2010-11-03



Bisekrankas - 2010-11-03

But a good one, I would have missed this gem otherwise

Old_Zircon - 2010-11-03


Desidiosus - 2010-11-03

A new trivia is born into the world!

Anaxagoras - 2010-11-03

"We explained to Mr. Perez that there are no samurai in modern-day Japan."

The level of condescension & contempt they have for Mr. Perez is astounding.

Rum Revenge - 2010-11-03

I learned something. I mean, there are still knights in Europe.

Anaxagoras - 2010-11-03

I wouldn't know. I'm an American.

BTW... what's "Europe"?

mon666ster - 2010-11-04

The whole time I watched this, I kept thinking that the American equivelant to this is to have Confederate soldiers bust in and shoot at him with their muskets.

Tuan Jim - 2010-11-03

This is the greatest thing.

Lies, lies, LIES! - 2010-11-04

Now we just need to run some controls.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-12-03

Nice touch having the samurai strike down the cops.

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