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Comment count is 10
GQ - 2010-11-30

Missing a Ted Danson tag

Pixel McStencilbuffer - 2010-11-30

Even more importantly, it's crying out for a "bucket" tag

Louis Armstrong - 2010-11-30

Fixed. Buried Alive is better then bucket, so it wins.

Pixel McStencilbuffer - 2010-11-30

I most strongly disagree sir. The many cuts to the bucket throughout this scene tie the whole thing together.

On a more pragmatic note, how many videos on PoETV feature people being buried alive, and how many feature buckets? I admit, both tags stand at 5 videos each, but a cursory search reveals a plethora of videos which also cry out for the "bucket" tag. Who can forget the PoETV classic "Bucket of pus" (http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=75665)? Or this one (http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=82517)?

Please reconsider, the buckets cry out for justice.

Charles - 2010-11-30

Give the Buckets a Chance!

Louis Armstrong - 2010-11-30


WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2010-11-30

The best comic book movie ever.

B. Weed - 2010-11-30

You might turn the "Creep Show" tag into "Creepshow" (since that's the film's actual title).

Nikon - 2010-11-30


cognitivedissonance - 2010-11-30

This particular flavour of the 80s has always been my favorite: post-modern 50s revisited.

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