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Desc:Activision tech demo from 1982. You can buy it for only 240 points () on Game Room for Xbox 360!
Category:Video Games, Business
Tags:XBox 360, Activision, this is the whole game, Game Room, venetian blinds
Submitted:Spit Spingola
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Comment count is 13
Oscar Wildcat - 2010-12-23

You fuckin' kids have no idea what you missed with the 2600. Now get the hell off my lawn!

Syd Midnight - 2010-12-23

A forgotten 2600 classic, gorgeous graphics but repititive gameplay meant it never achieved the success of "Moving Pixel" and "David Crane's Beeping Square".

Udderdude - 2010-12-23

Can't you recognize art when you see it, you plebe?

Cheese - 2010-12-23

Worth every penny.

augias - 2010-12-23

Bullshit, those blinds don't even rotate to let graded light in. Pssshhh

revdrew - 2010-12-23

It better have achievements for that price.

Riskbreaker - 2010-12-23

and multiplayer!

Old_Zircon - 2010-12-23

I want them to reissue the Atari Video Music.

FABIO - 2010-12-23

More fun than E.T.

retrocious - 2010-12-23

The chutzpah of charging for this is worth dollars in itself

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2010-12-23

I actually have this "game", but not on an X-Box. It's included as a bonus feature on the Activison Anthology compilation for GBA. Incidentally, titles like Robot Tank, River Raid, H.E.R.O. and such have held up remarkably well and it sees a ton of play on my DS.

Robin Kestrel - 2010-12-24

Shit, I have that in a drawer somewhere... never realized it was included.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-12-24

The VCS was designed around Pong and Tank. Getting it to do anything else, including Venetian blinds, was a serious accomplishment.

How much did Fable retail for when it came out? This deserves at least that much.

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