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Comment count is 32
baleen - 2010-12-25

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godot - 2010-12-25

Hide the razor blades around the 53 minute market.

Urist - 2010-12-25

"Chris Hedges - How Corporations Destroyed American Democracy" is a delightful romp through a world of joy and happiness, a must see.

Riskbreaker - 2010-12-25

So, the only solution is to live in the woods or what?

baleen - 2010-12-25

Oh you mean to say that he offered no solutions? Wow!

Cena_mark - 2010-12-25

That's because these activists are just complainers. They have no original ideas. They just whine and cry to get a sense of meaning in their lives.

Ocyrus - 2010-12-26

No, the only solution is revolution!

baleen - 2010-12-26

We've tried that before.

The only solution is mutation.

Old People - 2014-01-11

Being able to spot a problem does not mean you yourself need to know how to fix it; it does empower you to bring that problem to the attention of others who can.

BorrowedSolution - 2010-12-25

What I came away from this with was the idea that we're all so busy mimicking corporate behaviours that it's impossible for us to really see them as wrong.

kingarthur - 2010-12-26

EGG-XACTLY. Exactly this.

Joe Shmoe - 2010-12-25

Merry Christmas!

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2010-12-25

Look at the poster behind him--dude's just playing to his audience

kingarthur - 2010-12-26

Oversimplifying things a lot, aren't we?

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2010-12-26

No, it's just that compared to his other writings, Hedges is playing things up a bit

Cena_mark - 2010-12-25

I hate when Libtards complain about drones. Would you rather we go back to carpet bombing?

RomancingTrain - 2010-12-26

Those are the only two options! Those brown people aren't going to kill themselves. . . nevermind.

Cena_mark - 2010-12-26

I know the peaceniks want us to not bomb anybody period, but they need to wake up and realize that there are baddies that need bombing. So they just need to shut up and let us use the accurate means of bombing baddies possible.

kingarthur - 2010-12-26

So bomb anyone who makes over US million a year?

RomancingTrain - 2010-12-26

No, we need to kill more Cambodians.

Ocyrus - 2010-12-26

I hate when ignorant cuntservatives have the audacity to speak above their pay grade.
Don't you have more decks to swab, matey?

baleen - 2010-12-26

Cena isn't actually trying anymore. :(

memedumpster - 2010-12-26

Cena, you're confusing a drone with a UAV. The UAV is the machine which flies and kills and the drone is the remote pilot.

Nobody needs bombing, even when it's us.

Cena_mark - 2010-12-26

You know what I mean memedumpster. Plus you say nobody needs bombing? Last time I checked there were terrorists in this world, that are better off dead and I'd rather send a robot to take it out than one of my brothers.

Pity Momentum - 2010-12-26

We're not fighting terrorists, we're pushing for imperial geopolitical control of a region and its resources while managing to kill thousands of innocent people. America is an empire, not a republic.

Old_Zircon - 2010-12-26

This guy is a pretty bad speaker, but what he says more than makes up for it.

baleen - 2010-12-26

Yes. The entertainment business is a massive conspiracy controlled by puppet masters and is completely impenetrable.
Therefore is is necessary that I go from podium to podium at ,000 a lecture to spread the good word.

RomancingTrain - 2010-12-26

He's making money off this?! What a monster!

Nithing - 2010-12-26

Yeah but Obama let me suck dick while killing browns so whatevas.

wackyakmed - 2010-12-26

Before he even said that he was a preacher's son, I was thinking 'this kind of apocalyptic, self righteous bullshit is straight out of Catholic church sermons I remember from my childhood.' We live in an era of immense opportunity, as well as immense problems. There are still plenty of people in our bureaucracy and political system that genuinely care about maintaining democratic principles and protecting the weak. Pretending that things have gotten so bad that meaningful change is no longer possible is proven wrong every single day by people who care and are willing to act.

Worse than that, an attitude like this discourages people smart enough to spot the problems in our society from acting to make things better.

This man is a cancer on liberalism.

kingarthur - 2010-12-27

Yeah, well. I'm sitting here unemployed with no job or educational prospects caring for ailing parents. Where's my opportunity? The more I look, the more it seems to be lying in wait for me via eventual exile to a third world country, whether I physically move to one or not.

wackyakmed - 2010-12-27

Sorry, that sucks.

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