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Desc:Most Aussie newscasters keep a long stabby thing handy. What's your long stabby thing?
Category:Humor, News & Politics
Tags:long stabby thing, obvious penis jokes
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Comment count is 14
Banal Intercourse - 2011-02-23

I keep my long stabby thing in the bed with me, under the covers, with my hand firmly gripping it all night long.

I mean... I live in a bad neighborhood.

chomez - 2011-02-23

Seriously though, Australia.

Mancakes - 2011-02-23

Between the .au and the actual possession of knives...

rapsnacks - 2011-02-23

This is to note for all time that Mr. Blender spells 'Australian' B R I T T I S H. Also, is "olympic torch" Australian slang for vibrator?

RocketBlender - 2011-02-23

Fuck, I always spell that word wrong! Fixed it though, for what it's worth.

The Mothership - 2011-02-23

Her deadpan delivery makes this; she knew she was going to fuck with her male co-hosts as soon as he said 'stabby thing'. What I can't tell is whether the last guy meant to lay down the masturbation one liner, or if it was just an ejaculation.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-02-25

It would be premature to decide at this point.

dbtng - 2011-02-24

My god, that was funny. I think the gents made a solid move in leaving the scene while their employment was still intact.

Kumquatxop - 2011-02-24

they were just going to whack off from a distance

Supahfly - 2011-02-24

What the FFF...

oddeye - 2011-02-24

The funniest thing to come out of Austrailia is the news.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-02-24

You're tempting a dupe with those tags.

twinkieafternoon - 2011-02-24

He uses its long, pulsing, throbbing, tumuscent stabbing skills to attack the bad guys. Long story short, one more break-in and we're getting a divorce.

Tasso - 2013-01-29

Woooooiiiiiide open

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