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Desc:The ground squeezes and lurches in a weird, incredible example of liquifaction.
Category:Horror, Nature & Places
Tags:Japan, earthquake, WTF earth, liquifaction
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Comment count is 14
TheQuakeSoldier - 2011-03-14

I'm pretty sure that's just large sections of topsoil floating on the water that's flooded underneath. Not quite as "extreme" as the thought of THE EARTH ITSELF moving back and forth.

Ursa_minor - 2011-03-14

Ah yeah sorry man this is just commonplace regular ol bullshit. snoozers.

Tuan Jim - 2011-03-14

yeah seriously, this happens all the time

why even submit something like this

its too commonplace

spikestoyiu - 2011-03-14

I liked the demo better.

Udderdude - 2011-03-14

Here is some actual soil liquification. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGk2wb9Gs8c

Buggerman - 2011-03-14

I was completely shocked that the title and description accurately explained the video. Not a single ghost or bit of lava shot out.

But enough with my ever-so professional analysis...that is trippy and creepy at the same time. It is like Namazu is breathing.

fatatty - 2011-03-14


Rovin - 2011-03-14


RockBolt - 2011-03-14

Yeah its not the WHOLE EARTH moving, just the part you can stand on, that your brain mentally relies on being fixed and unmoving, heaving back and forth and sending ever increasing fountains of water into the air. Yawnarama.

numb - 2011-03-15

Water in the park is so mainstream.

TeenerTot - 2011-03-14

The mouth of earth wants to eat your dog.

Seriously tho, that's kinda scary.

Jeriko-1 - 2011-03-15

Yeah I mean so if a psycho jumped you and jammed your fingers in the shifting fissure it would hamburgerize your hand?

erratic - 2011-03-14

this totally awesome phenomenon happened after something even awesomer, so it must be lame.

Dr Dim - 2011-03-14

I find that incredibly disturbing. On the other hand, The Quake Soldier is probably a member of Japan's self defense force (earthquake and tsunami division) who is involved in the cleanup and rescue efforts, so naturally he is made of sterner stuff. Our prayers are with you, Quake Soldier.

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