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Comment count is 14
charmlessman - 2011-03-27

They're doing a black remake of Napoleon Dynamite?

chumbucket - 2011-03-28

Napoleon Dyn-o-mite

Tom Collins - 2011-03-27

You'd expect the "black people" tag would be used in irony rather than stereotype.

Shame on you.

misterbuns - 2011-03-28


Toenails - 2011-03-28

How is it a stereotype?

Ursa_minor - 2011-03-28

Hahah, stereotype? It's a black dude.

Smellvin - 2011-03-28

Well, you freaked out the last time I said "quadroon."

spikestoyiu - 2011-03-28

Holy shit, what a baby.

standard8mm - 2011-03-28


boner - 2011-03-28

Superstar in a superstar machine! Taking it to the stars!

StanleyPain - 2011-03-28

This kid's got the goods.

Ghoul - 2011-03-28

I'm shocked. There isn't 1 racist statement on the first two comment pages on YT video.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-03-28

You must have checked it at a better time. Mine said something like "another useless n-----" blah blah blah as the first comment up there.

Enjoy - 2011-03-28

Sean Robinson is going to be very, very angry.

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