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Desc:I can't believe this law is going to keep a black person from the south from voting!!!
Category:News & Politics, Horror
Tags:black people, south carolina, brown people, voter ID, disenfranchise
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Comment count is 8
memedumpster - 2011-06-10

I don't know how to rate this. It is infuriating.

Slagathor - 2011-06-10

Not a casualty of the voter id law, a casualty of an uninventive vital records department. This man needs a proper birth certificate, and without one, he cannot even prove he is a citizen. There should be a process--and there appears to be one based on using elementary school records--that is similarly flawed. Vital records needs reform, not the voter id law.

Toenails - 2011-06-10

If you write a law, and the law is supported by a process that is flawed, then the law is flawed.

In fact, if you write a law, and it in any way creates obstacles between you and your ability to exercise your right to vote. That law is also flawed.

I look down my nose at SC, but here in Kansas we are also going to implement a Voter ID law because the morons turned out in droves last year and put Kris Kobach into the Secretary of State's office. His entire platform he ran on consisted of "In the last 10 years there has been 75 documented cases of voter fraud in the state. Elect me so I can create a Voter's ID system and keep those brown people away from the polls!"

7.5 people a year. Does even one law-abiding citizen deserve this sort of shit because seven and a half people vote when they shouldn't have?

FABIO - 2011-06-10

I immediately pictured Kris Kobach as "that total douchebag you knew in college who was going nowhere until he discovered Republican Libertarianism as a career path for total idiots".

Then I google imaged him.


Hubba Bubba Nightmare - 2011-06-12

Slag has no problem with black people not voting, why am I not surprised

Grandmaster Funk - 2011-06-10

Nice try, Obama, bringing in waves of Kenyan illegals to support your candidacy. Where's the birth certificates, huh? Where's the goddamn birth certificates?

dairyqueenlatifah - 2011-06-10

Your cynicism is reality to masses of real life idiots.

That makes me sad.

kingarthur - 2011-06-10

So they've effectively cut off voting rights to anyone not born in the usa. Or do naturalization papers count?

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