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Desc:...of something or another at an abandoned water park
Category:Sports, None
Tags:destruction, bowling ball, imagine if it bounced all the way to the moon
Submitted:Tom Collins
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Comment count is 14
kingofthenothing - 2011-06-15

The Cameraman sounds like the exterminator guy from King Of The Hill, and that amuses me.

Oscar Wildcat - 2011-06-15

Yeah, like something Dale Gribble and Cotton Hill would get up to. Except someone would get hurt. Badly.

baleen - 2011-06-15

Better dads.

Sudan no1 - 2011-06-15

droppin' a bowel ball

Influence Device TIMR - 2011-06-15

"a bowl ball"
god you are stupid!

minus four stars for your shitty stupidness everywhere

Sudan no1 - 2011-06-15

oh, come on. Don't even waste your time having a grudge match with this guy. I'm guessing he has more free time than you.

Tom Collins - 2011-06-15

no he's right, i should change that

Wander - 2011-06-15

He doesn't have more time than a robot!

Gmork - 2012-02-17

Judging by the comment history, influence device is a pretty worthless person to have any kind of conversation with, i'd just let it go.

hammsangwich - 2011-06-15

I chortled quite obnoxiously when that bowl ball exploded.

longwinded - 2011-06-16

I'm sure you mean wetly

garcet71283 - 2011-06-16

Hot Tamales are awesome.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2011-06-16

This is their biggest accomplishment of the decade.

grimcity - 2011-06-16

Shit looks fun though.

I mean, exploding bowling balls? Epic times.

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