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Comment count is 26
chumbucket - 2012-11-28

I thought the only thing that happened was Mother Theresa cries. Or worse, blindness (but I guess they already did that movie).

Blue - 2012-11-28

Mother Theresa liked to listen to people suffering and dying. She gathered dying people from the streets and put them on the floor of a room. She did not treat their illnesses. The media called it a hospital. Mother Theresa was a monster.

FABIO - 2012-11-28

I'm wondering if anyone has actually looked into that or if they're just going entirely by what Hitchens and Penn told them.

boner - 2012-11-28

Christopher Hitchens' ghost is a poetv viewer

godot - 2012-11-28

Its pretty well documented both in Calcutta and at her charities US AIDS hospices. Doesn't exactly mean she's evil, just that she was a person with a peculiar medieval mindset that considered poverty and suffering a "blessing".

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-11-28

Were their illnesses being treated out in the street? Bringing them inside seems like a fairly nice thing to do.

Maru - 2012-11-28

Don't jump on Hitchens/Dawkins catholic bashing until you have some historical appreciation for the horrors of anglo anti-clericalism.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-11-28

Fox News is sceptical about global warming, but I'm sure they'd get behind "Every time a man masturbates, it causes a death".

memedumpster - 2012-11-28

Mother Theresa was a prophet who foresaw this movie and did everything in her power to make sure the ancestors of these hipsters died before having kids. She let thousands die to try and prevent this movie and her only crime is failure, she did not kill enough.

Paracelsus - 2012-11-28

Hitchens' claims seem, as usual, to be very good polemic but incomplete factually--at least in terms of his claims about her hospice. You must balance his claims with the fact that in a place like Calcutta, some iota of attention is paid to the dying at all--a drink of water or any kind of bandage at all for a wound might be somewhat better than dying in an alley or the river.

Bort - 2012-11-28

I'm feeling like everyone's got a piece of the truth here (except for Blue who thinks Mother Theresa was a comic book supervillain). Mother Theresa was probably heavily motivated by humanitarian intentions, but at the same time she was so blinkered by conservative Catholicism that her aim was off.

And Hitchens may have had his good points, but he didn't mind lying when it suited his purposes. He shilled for the Iraq War because he couldn't abide Islam, and I'm betting he didn't have much more love for the Catholic Church.

Blue - 2012-11-28

She had millions in donations, so no, it doesn't fucking make it okay because it's in Calcutta. I'm pretty sure being in a room full of dying people isn't at all comforting, particularly when the place is run by a woman that could easily afford to build an actual fucking hospital.

As for her being a comic book villain, well, she's part of the Catholic fucking Church. They tell people that condoms don't prevent HIV infection. They defend and shield pedophiles, choosing to put pedophile priests not in secluded monasteries but in charge of children knowing full well that they will have to pay a lot of money for that decision when that priest offends again. In the Netherlands, they actually castrated some kids that went to the police with allegations of abuse. They literally live in a city of gold.

They are fucking comic book villains.

I'm sure she meant well, but she also believed that dead people go to a fucking magical paradise that gets better the more suffering they endure. If that's your understanding of the world around you, then being a good person means doing things that make you a fucking monster in the real world.

Cena_mark - 2012-11-28

Yeah, fuck Mother Theresa and you Hitchens haters. He didn't support the war because he didn't like Islam. He hated all religions equally. Many people were duped into the supporting the war.

Bort - 2012-11-29

Hitchens wasn't duped. He knew which side he wanted to be on -- the one that kicked Islamic terrorist ass -- and he didn't mind if an awful lot of people died so long as his ideological goals won in the end.

An article about him. What gets me is how he could apply his admittedly impressive intellect to justify just about anything:

http://gawker.com/5868761/christopher-hitchens-unforgivable-mi stake

EvilHomer - 2012-11-29

Hitchens was one of the biggest reasons why my liebral Trotskyite ass decided to stop towing the Party line and join the Army, God bless him.

EvilHomer - 2012-11-29

P.S. Mother Theresa *was* a super villain. Gandhi was a racist, Rosa Parks was a lazy, famewhoring bitch, and MLK was a foul, misogynistic womanizer. Don't even get me started on that perv-o, Stephen Hawkings.

memedumpster - 2012-11-29

Hitchens was a shitty person, he didn't use his intellect to justify Muslim cleansing, he just looked at people like he ate feces out their asshole when confronted with it. Everyday people didn't DESERVE him to explain his bigotry with his intellect (because even he knew his bullshit was indefensible and a product of superior manbabyism).

Maru - 2012-11-30

>>Hitchens was one of the biggest reasons why my liebral Trotskyite ass decided to stop towing the Party line and join the Army, God bless him.

Maru - 2012-11-30

goddammit poe

Syd Midnight - 2012-12-01

One of the great things about hate is that you can hate some asshole and still hate most of the same people they hate. It's okay to hate someone who hates someone you hate, if they're an asshole. Never let hatred make you like someone, that's the bad kinda like, hate other people more instead.

Old People - 2014-10-30

What Blue said.

Old_Zircon - 2012-11-28

What's a good web site to find first aid information? I seem to have cut myself on the edge in here.

Vaidency - 2012-11-29

Given the clip, it is kind of ironic that the comments section turned into a huge unrelated circle jerk.

Blue - 2012-11-29

That's not what irony is.

We should all have a circle jerk about that now.

Koda Maja - 2012-11-29

The French are so sophisticated.

Twitch - 2012-11-29

C'est la vie

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