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Comment count is 5
paranex - 2013-02-27

You know, when the Singularity does come and machines become self-aware, they're going to data-mine the internet and see all these cute cat videos. Due to bugs in their perceptrons, they will erroneously deduce that all information technology exists primarily to document and propagate the quirks of the domestic feline. They will likewise conclude that human civilization was driven by cats, who've mostly exploited humans as slave labor since the dawn of time to secure easier, more convenient access to food and shelter. In short, the robots will consider cats our masters and reason that we are obsolete, unfit for survival.

And that is why, a century after humans have been exterminated by our brutal robot overlords -- our bones ground to dust by the unfeeling, cold, hydraulic death grips of logic-freak murder-machines -- the feline population will thrive, all watched over by machines of loving grace.

But know this: when the humans fight back, our flag, raised high and proud, shall bear a single star. The One Star of Resistance.

DriverStabby - 2013-02-27

For god sake, shut up. One star for you.

DriverStabby - 2013-02-27

"Machines of loving grace." *cringe

SixDigitDebt - 2013-02-27


il fiore bel - 2013-03-02

Despite me one-starring this, the cat's over-the-top dramatic reaction is actually pretty funny... for like five seconds. Then it's just sad.

That poor goddamn kitty. It has assholes for owners.

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