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Comment count is 6
ashtar. - 2013-12-05

One of the better zombie movies I've seen recently.

chumbucket - 2013-12-05

dubbed :(

Nominal - 2013-12-05

Is this still on netflix? I watched it about 2 years ago. I remember the first half being very good for a low budget zombie movie, then it got really slow and dull in the last half.

Sanest Man Alive - 2013-12-05

Saw "perverse" and "zombie" in the description. Not watching this, take the stars and I'm outta here.

Nominal - 2013-12-06

I can't remember anything in it I'd call perverse.

Syd Midnight - 2013-12-06

Title reminded me of "For the Horde!", a homemade amateur porn video made by gay WoW players. It was pretty hot.

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