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Desc:it's been fun being hyperpostmodern with you people now subscribe to my arg .99/mo.
Tags:not really, you people fucking suck, do you think this is a joke, im not laughing
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Comment count is 33
Waugh - 2014-01-09

wow these are all out of order now. you people fucking suck

baleen - 2014-01-09


Merzbau - 2014-01-09

What did I miss and why should I care?

Hooker - 2014-01-09

Waugh's been really lonely lately.

Waugh - 2014-01-09

you ever talk about somebody in the third person where they can read or hear you?

bongoprophet - 2014-01-09

let that sink in, he wants OUR attention and/or approval.. his time must be worth even less than ours!

SolRo - 2014-01-09

missed nothing. no reason to care.

Waugh - 2014-01-09


SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-01-09

Call the waughhhhmbulance?

Hooker - 2014-01-09

I'm doing it right now. To Waugh.

Redford - 2014-01-09

For what it's worth, Waugh is the only person on the entire internet who thinks he can "beat" poetv.

glasseye - 2014-01-09

It's adorable.

dubz - 2014-01-09

Buzzfeed is shit and who are you again?

Waugh - 2014-01-09

obviously buzzfeed is shit if you have no idea what anybody is talking about you're wiser to shut the fuck up

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-01-09

+1 point to Buzzfeed for at least helping to get people reading long-form articles instead of just top ten lists (which they still do). It's showing that maybe hiring good writers that can carry on topic for more than one page can get eyeballs just as well as dumb cat photos.

BHWW - 2014-01-09

Who is Waugh, is this some sort of dumb leftover PoE-News drama or something along those lines

dubz - 2014-01-09

OK so I watched the other two videos and still don't know what the fuck so I'll just let you have your meltdown in peace.

dubz - 2014-01-09

fuck that was supposed to be a reply, o well.

Waugh - 2014-01-09

hey it's not your fault this site's an outdated and neglected mess. at least there's a 'comment count' at the top now, right, isn't that useful i wonder what other inspired features can you look forward to

glasseye - 2014-01-09

Automatic entitlement generator! Wont work with you, of course, as you're full up.

Waugh - 2014-01-09

yeah i dislike moldy outdated websites out of a sense of entitlement
fucking christ

glasseye - 2014-01-15

At least you're honest with yourself.

misterbuns - 2014-01-09

what do you do with a drunken sailor

Waugh - 2014-01-09

suck my dick and shut up
early in the morning
or just whenever
no, wait - right now

misterbuns - 2014-01-09

lol he's f5ing this thread.

BorrowedSolution - 2014-01-09

Oh I get it. He's Toad, the guns are dicks, the bullets represent semen, and it's shot from the view of the rest of poeTV.


Waugh - 2014-01-09

it's actually a non-sequitur but thanks for demonstrating that you're so confused you have to invent your own stupid narratives

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2014-01-09

Waugh, look, everyone has feelings, and we don't always know why we have them. And that's okay! But when we feel angry, it's sometimes nice to identify exactly what we're really angry at, instead of just visiting our friends on the internet and shitting all over their website. That would save everyone a lot of trouble!

Waugh - 2014-01-09

you could use a lot of trouble

mashedtater - 2014-01-15

jesus, who bleed in your cheerios waugh?

memedumpster - 2014-01-09

I was disappointed that those weren't real guns. This was a total useless violence letdown. +2 for for the waughbash cannonball.

Ghoul - 2014-01-10

BasedWaugh fucked my bitch.

Gmork - 2014-01-10


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