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Comment count is 8
infinite zest - 2014-08-25

Huh. Removed by the user. I changed the title, so any resubmit you'd like to put in is fine by me. Richard (and his brother) mean a lot to me: I never got to know my grandfathers very well. My grandfather on my mom's side passed when I was four and my grandfather on my dad's side passed away about a year before Jurassic Park came out. I was a little too young to truly appreciate their presence on this planet. I was reading Jurassic Park when we got the news from LaCrosse, and when I saw Jurassic Park I sort of bonded with the Attenboroughs (but specifically Richard, especially at the time) as a Grandpa figure. The one I would never truly get to know. Anyway, take this off the front page if you need to because it's a dead link, but Attenborough's heart will always beat in mine. :)

Waugh - 2014-08-26

i like you.
even if you ate richard attenborough.

infinite zest - 2014-08-26

I like you too Waugh. Where ya been?

Waugh - 2014-08-26

you wouldn't believe me if i told you.

Waugh - 2014-08-26

ok that's not giving you enough credit it's just hard to explain https://youtu.be/agWPEWophEU

Waugh - 2014-08-26

what's your favorite attenborough moment i like the episode where he fucked stephen fry in the jungle.

BiggerJ - 2014-08-26

Oh, everyone's been fucked by Stephen Fry. It's only the chosen ones who are allowed to remember it.

BiggerJ - 2014-08-26

Whoops, didn't mean to vote.

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