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Comment count is 25
Jet Bin Fever - 2014-11-12

One of our greatest allies in the region!

That guy - 2014-11-12

well, yeah... but... AN incident in Turkey is not a HUNDRED incidents in Turkey

SolRo - 2014-11-12

Like many American allies, as long as the checks keep clearing.

chumbucket - 2014-11-13

Turkey has always had a mild case of Pakistanitis.

StanleyPain - 2014-11-12

No, no...as we all know these horrible Americans must have done something to provoke this from the Muslims, who as we all know are the most peaceful and innocent people on this entire Earth and never do these things. Ever.

(copyright, Russia Today)

SolRo - 2014-11-12

The AP, BBC, and the state department call this democracy...

PegLegPete - 2014-11-12

Why bring RT or Islam into this? What if they were Orthodox Christians?

Furthermore, we don't have any military bases from a foreign power in this country. Try to just imagine what that's like. Try to imagine what goes on; the SOFA agreements between nations often let soldiers off the hook and ferry them away through the UCMJ for a relative wrist slapping when they commit serious crimes in foreign countries. Look up what goes on in Okinawa.

They just look like a bunch of assholes if you only watch the images. If that's as far as you go, no wonder all you see is angry Muslims and their apologists on RT.

PegLegPete - 2014-11-12

And I found this after looking up TGB, which was on their flag:



EvilHomer - 2014-11-13

Turkish Tea Party.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-11-13

RT is hardly apologetic for Islam or its extremists.

EvilHomer - 2014-11-13

RT isn't so much a Muslim apologist channel as it is a Russian state interest channel. They will construct their narrative in whatever way works to discredit the US government's agenda; if that means siding with Muslims, Christians, libertarians, left-libertarians, CIA turncoats, bomb-tossing Chinese anarchists, or Professor Griff, then that is what they will do.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-11-13

Yeah but they shy away from getting too cozy with that subject because Russia is secretly terrified of that shit coming across their border.

Old People - 2014-11-12

Of course they pick a lone, scrawny Sailor, a harmless clerk, as the target of their valiant anti-imperialist action. I'd like to see if they're that brave facing three or four Grunts. I know individual Soldiers who would've taken on the whole pack and left them chanting their bullshit through broken jaws.
Also, while they're bashing this little bespectacled POG for being Emperor Palpatine, the Turkish Army continues to treat all Kurds as though they were no better than ISIS, and Sultan Erdogan is building himself a 1000-room mansion to rival Nero's Domus Aurea.

SolRo - 2014-11-12

a lot of the kurd "militias" are known terror groups...so yeah, they're about the same as ISIS.

EvilHomer - 2014-11-13

DEM KURDS IS ALL TERRORISTS, AN THEY BE THE SAME AS THE ISIS. ALL MOOSLIMS AN NAZIS AN SHIT. Ah knows it, cuz ah saws it on mah Fox News Russia Today program what came on o'er de internet- boy howdy bruurbrurru brrrurrr

Bump that. A free Kurdish state, like the people wanted, would be the perfect grassroots foil for ISIS, just as it was the perfect grassroots foil for the Ba'athists. We should have backed Kurdish independence clear through, and to hell with the lingering Ottoman imperialism of the genocidal Turks. It's never too late to make good on our pre-OIF promises to those plucky little Men of the North...!

And yeah, Old People, fuck these punks for picking on a POG. To be fair, you're not going to find many non-POGs in the Navy, but this kid is the least of their problems - if they really wanted to "make a stand" or whatever, they should have thrown shoes at Bush or Hillary Clinton, not harassed a ship's barrelman.

Still, we don't know the whole story here; maybe Seaman POG banged all their girlfriends while on shore leave? That happens a lot, fine-ass Turkish women can't resist the Yankee charm.

baleen - 2014-11-13

The Youth Union believes that the ruling conservative party is a puppet of the United States, and to some degree they're right.

What makes no sense is that America is helping the PKK, which is about as socialist as you can get. They are old-school socialists, like 1920's style.

baleen - 2014-11-13

And yes, if they had done this to my brother, who made it into the SEALS and is absolutely huge, they'd all have broken faces.

Spaceman Africa - 2014-11-12

Go get em boys

infinite zest - 2014-11-12

Just in time for Thanksgiving.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-11-12

Aha, aha, I see what you did there.

Cena_mark - 2014-11-13

I just made it on shore leave. This is the perfect video to come back to. This looks absolutely terrifying for the young squid. I'm surprised he's alone. Usually when I've been to foreign ports the command had us use the buddy system.

EvilHomer - 2014-11-13

Yeah, I was going to ask: does the Navy not have a battle buddy system? IIRC, it was incidents precisely like this that prompted the military to institute buddy systems in the first place.

I take it the Coasties have one, yes?

Jack Jammer - 2014-11-13

They were following the current standard policy of 3 personnel in a liberty party. The other two got the hell away while the one kid got snagged. This is why when I was on the USS Mahan we would use the "3 liberty buddy" system but still roll into places at least 12 deep.

Follow up story: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/11/12/video-shows-turkish-mob-attac king-us-navy-sailors/

Binro the Heretic - 2014-11-13

How do you say "assholes" in Turkey?

TeenerTot - 2014-11-14

Same way you say it in America.

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