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Comment count is 7
Sanest Man Alive - 2016-01-04

It is a new century, and a new tyranny is predestined. Even if this man chokes to death on gay Mexican Muslim dicks tomorrow, it won't stop America from becoming the Fourth Reich its people want so badly to see.

Humans cannot help but re-learn their worst lessons over and over again. We as a nation and as a species deserve this.

Anyway, before I kill myself, it's back to catching up on my Steam backlog! I wholeheartedly recommend Trails in the Sky if you like JRPGs. It's easy to miss out on certain secrets if you aren't regularly yakking with everyone, but since NPC dialog changes constantly to keep abreast of story events, even just chatting up the same townies over and over rewards you with quite a bit of entertaining flavor text (incidentally, it was also one reason why localizing the game was such a monumental undertaking).

Doc Victor - 2016-01-04

Hey, I know you didn't live up to your potential, aren't contributing much to society, and frankly seem like kind of a retard, but really, don't kill yourself. Don't mention that you want to kill yourself on the Internet. Don't insinuate this to strangers. But really, please don't kill yourself.

theSnake - 2016-01-04

oh no terrorists dont like him

Hazelnut - 2016-01-04

Terrorists love him; he's doing their recruiting for them.

That guy - 2016-01-05

Trump's a problem, and a piece of shit and I pray he doesn't become president.

He's not a problem like "OH NO there are going to be more terrorists now because of Trump". That's bullshit.

They would have just used the next excuse over to recruit people, and they have absolutely no moral leg to stand on, so who cares if they fuckin' love/hate what Trump says. Islamic terrorists and their sympathizers would have just 'blamed America' for any of 1,000 other things- some being our sins which are a fraction of a percent of theirs, and some being shit that we get right and they're too evil to understand.

Even the mere idea of islamicists calling the US racist or 'anti' a given religious group is asinine to the extreme. Who fucking cares what they think? They're going to use everything as a rhetorical excuse. Tippy-toeing about "don't give them any excuses" is fucking stupid.

Sorry OZ

infinite zest - 2016-01-04

A bit of perhaps nonsensical rant stuff, but what would be wrong with just shutting down twitter, facebook, and other means of communication that IS uses for a week and see what happens? At this point they're becoming synonymous with terrorist groups more than whatever Horatio Sanz had to say, so why not just take the week off?

TeenerTot - 2016-01-05

You would feel a great disturbance in the Force. As if millions of millennials' cried out at at once, and were suddenly silenced.

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